Honk Honk Punch

If she partners up with Officer Lopez because Officer Lopez can activate motion detectors, and she cannot, I may stop watching the show. There needs to be something more there.

I feel as though Ray has a kernel of good within him, perhaps illuminated by his true love for Nikki. To me, Emmitt & Sy are assholes (Sy may be my favorite character).


Yes, great call out of you, Dr, Bong!

That was a separate, equally funny exit Sy had earlier in the season.

Asian-American, please

Another wonderful (and similar) physical comedy bit: the middle finger battle Sy had with Ray. Both were delightful.

The "female" characters are amazing, intelligent, and endearing.


I also loved Officer Lopez, her incredibly frank talk with Officer Coon was wonderful.

Season 3 is pretty damn good too. I'd recommend skipping season 5 altogether - you don't miss much.

Someone's been watching the Die Hard trilogy….

Now comes the bad part…..

His face is his greatest hindrance.

Scarcity in Crow Eggs

"I was just gonna take care of your rat problem here…."

Excellent write-up. Well done.

No, I did read your reply. I can sense the frustration you feel regarding the topic we are discussing. I was simply, in summation, seeking confirmation that you would prefer the question not be asked at all.

Godwin straight into Lebwoski. Inter-net!

So you would rather the question not be asked at all.