Honk Honk Punch

So you would rather people not ask the question at all.

Would you rather people not ask the question at all? Curiosity often stems from kindness, and a desire to understand.

One of the sexiest scenes ever.

Interesting. I wonder why that is (for the both of us)

Oh gooood for you.

I laughed my ass off at that as well.

Ukraine was also referenced in the opening scene of the first episode - the man being interrogated was accused of moving to Germany from "the Ukraine" (which is what it was called then).

How great was Hanzee's character? Two of the three scenes from season 2 that stick in my mind: (1) Hanzee being ridiculed by an asshole in a bar doubting his Vietnam Veteran status, and (2) the sirens in War Pigs sounding as Hanzee approaches the motel in the final episode. Indelible.

He's got that goin' for him

I agree with your sentiments on the matter, record scratch and all. I let out an audible groan during his dialogue with the parking lot attendant. I, too, enjoy the show, and hope said villain flips in my mind.

The "Google" scene was truly terrifying - my stomach dropped when the computer snapped that photograph. I'm not sure we actually needed to see the lawyer get thrown off the garage, however.
The "V.M." character is also not great - his speech about how that area of the country was so mundane on the surface was

Need a hiking buddy?

I was never able to get past the crime, and into the family dynamics & theories. I don't understand the fascination with any of it. It's frankly sickening, from all angles. One man's opinion.

They also stand as mirror-images of each other, posture-wise, in Walt's kitchen, before Walt offers him breakfast.

I can never, ever watch anything related to the JonBenet case. Even the picture at the top of this article is giving me the creeps. Who enjoys this stuff? "What's the world comin' too?"

Agreed - he is fantastic. My eye is always drawn to him on screen.

Where'd ya get that idea from?

That's just, like, your opinion, man

But don't you find yourself reading the dialogue rather than watching the scenes unfold?

My Cousin Vinny