Honk Honk Punch

The "warm" handshake was truly disturbing

Yeah, then if i recall, the camera pans over to Dennis and he says "Wow, this is some preeeeetty dark territory we're entering into"

That's interesting. My girlfriend thinks the grubbier (i.e. deeper in character) Charlie looks, the sexier he is.

They held a fake baby funeral, during which they promoted a fictional soda….

Hmm, orchestrated, great word. She Mozarted the shit outta that whole scenario

Dennis (Perkins) is a good egg.

Well said! Cheers!

I know several women who find him quite attractive. He's also fucking hilarious, so that helps.

Is he? I'm a heterosexual man, I've always found Mac to be the most handsome of the crew. I didn't know this was a widespread view.

As a Patriots fan, we love the "Empire" analogy. We maintain order and stability in the galaxy!

This was a fantastic write-up, John. I actually got emotional reading it. Bravo.

I am a die-hard Sherlock Holmes fan. Read all the stories, several times. Watched the Jeremy Brett show, the Rathbone movies, watched Sherlock Jr., and the Downey Jr. movies, and watch Elementary. Heck, I have a piece of Sherlock artwork hung over my bed.

: )

Yes, now that I think back, "Baskervilles" was quite weak. I did thoroughly enjoy "A Scandal in Belgravia" and "The Reichenbach Fall" from beginning to end. That intro-to-credits level of quality was replaced by just a hodgepodge of meandering garbage and occasional brilliance since then.


Your original statement will stand the test of time, sir/ma'am. You nailed it.

As for knowing which movie Mycroft watches on a given night, perhaps he's like me, in that he lets his film viewings seep into the lexicon of his daily life.

I was enjoying the story! All sarcasm aside, that sounds fun!


I thought the Mycroft Clown/Bleeding paintings nonsense was going to end with Mycroft awakening from a nightmare - that hack trope.