Honk Honk Punch


The entire second season is quite good.The quality began to drop in Season 3.
There is "pre-Sherlock-jumping off a building", and "post-Sherlock jumping off a building".

Nailed it.

Aren't we all tools?

You are approaching poetry

I believe they even played some classical music as he gazed knowingly into the distance. Sherlock had met his Moriarty. Scratch that - Moriarty had met a younger, quicker Moriarty.

Twas good to see Sherlock actually share a laugh with another human being.

Since the moment of conception? How breathtakingly prescient of them

"Ghastly wedding episode". Well said.

Science 101 brah, read a book

I had no idea they had been together at all, let alone recently separated.

I too was moved by John's emotional grunting.

Good one.

I'm sure people have plenty of oh-so-snarky comments about Mr. Vedder and his music. But his music, his band, and he himself mean a whole lot to a whole lot of people. So fuck off.

Oh where have you been, my brown-eyed son

Have you seen the little Piggies, crawling in the dirt? And for all the little Piggies, life is getting worse..

I don't necessarily agree with the content of this message, but the delivery of said content made me chuckle.

Vegas is essentially Disney World at this point. I went there for Christmas with my whole family 8-9 years ago. Had a blast.

Wanda Sykes didn't get any laughs because her "set" was awful. When her political "jokes" bombed, she started essentially scolding the audience.

I have been trying to place that face to that name for weeks!