Honk Honk Punch

Fuck! *Puts down bubbler & hides in bed*

Stupidity and bravery are somewhat intertwined. When someone charges up a hill to take a machine-gun nest, is that person's actions brave, or stupid? A case could be made for both.

That line literally made me groan out loud. We get it! You swear!

I was not a big fan of Elsie. Her constant use of obscenities wreaked of overcompensation, bad writing, or a bit of both. But she won me over in this episode, perhaps through her sheer investigative bravery. If she dies, I will miss her. Damn it Elsie, look behind you!

I watched the scene with Elsie, and did not see any of the "racial subtext". The guy had a big dick, and she mentioned it.

The book is nightmare material.

Agreed on both. Seeing other people physically around me in the theater just inherently takes me out of any scary movie (never mind hearing them speak, or getting up to go to the bathroom.)

Thank god someone posted this. I was growing concerned.

Well said, sir/ma'am

Home run.

That's fantastic.

L.A. confidential with Kim Basinger

A tough spot for Pegg, but he handled it with trademark class. I'd expect nothing less from him.

Interesting input from all.

I went into the Vanity Fair "piece" expecting to find some casual remarks about her appearance with which people had (perhaps rightfully) taken issue. I was immediately uneasy one paragraph in. By the end my skin was absolutely crawling.

I believe the character swap of Rusty is remarked upon (obliquely) in "Christmas Vacation" and directly in Vegas Vacation. Not 100% on that.

The "credit-seekers" make up a certain portion within that group, sure, but in my experience a large portion of said group genuinely has good intentions. I don't think a blanket can be placed on any group of people.

Did you expect her to say "EW STOP BEING GROSS!"

Interesting. Thanks for your response.

I've heard good things about that show. Worth looking into?