Honk Honk Punch


That's a complete shut down.

They're geniuses in their ability to play said idiots like puppets

It is so brilliant in its idiocy I dare call it a masterpiece.

Is anyone capable of writing an article on this website without bee-ing a snarky asshole?

Agreed. The shift in tone was odd.

Would it really be a problem if he was?

Wow, you're so young and hip. You will never age, and your taste in everything is impeccable.

Has this show improved since the first episode? The acting was so over-the-top, and the writing was so heavy handed, I couldn't make it to episode two.

I can relate, strongly, to Dennis repeatedly losing his shit in traffic. 25 miles, 2 hour nightly commute for 5 years. Merge you fat pig indeed.

"I'm Cartwright"

Yeah, some scheme involving a getting around his own Will.

Something stinks here Charlie. And it's not just Mac's dirty socks.

Vic Vinegar, bodyguard, I don't shake hands so don't even try

What? That's DEFINITELY a road they'd want to go down. I mean Christ they had Dee and Dennis digging up their dead mother, and that was in like season 3! They faked a toddler's funeral!

Jesus. Saying "Yinz" seems like it would sound very stupid. Then again, I'm from Boston and we all sound WICKED RETAHTED KID. Thanks for the briefing.

Haha. What a world we live in.

I believe it's from "Mac's Banging the Waitress", where Charlie crashes at Dennis/Mac's place, gets drunk, and pisses the bed. "Best friend one to best friend two"

What state is Cricket going to be in the next time we see him? Blind? Limbless?

What are some examples of the Pittsburgh accent?