honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

Right? The party that’s opposed to government overreach is just going to start seizing private property. Why, that’s like ... gasp ... socialism! Or even ... dare I say it? ... communism. I have to retire to my fainting couch. Please hold all my calls. 

Or Native women being killed at an alarming rate with little attention from the police agencies?

Though let’s be clear: if you voted for him and are a millionaire you are still a fucking mistake.

look forward to the libertarian wing of the party to come out strongly against the idea of emin-- ah hahahaha I can’t even finish it.

I think Harvard did it for diversity’s sake. Their upper echelon is pretty white (my SO works there) so for them to say they have someone of Native American heritage makes them looks good. But on her side... I dunno. I mean I’ve known quite few fellow African Americans who drop the “I hav some Indian in me” to get

Dude. Dude. Dude. Dude. Dude. I get that this is your ‘beat’ or whatever, but f off already, unless you you want 4 more years of a three year old in the White House.

Yes, Senator Warren attempted to use said DNA test to address endless Republican accusations gain preferential treatment. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Next question.

Ask them about it, man.

Adding (since whenever I say something to defend Warren I get bombarded with shitheads):

“Our rage” - jesus dude, are you really this fucking mad about this? That you are raging? You’re mad at someone who made a stupid decision, but really didn’t try to claim she was native or was part of any tribe, just that she has some ancestry which is all she ever said. And she seems to legitimately care about native

Lol the perfect scale.


This again?! Just fucking let it go. You’ve said your piece. You’re unhappy. We get it. 

It doesn’t appear so.

It’s pathetic that a dam insignificant DNA test seems to be creating as much of a stir as real issues like a pipeline crossing tribal lands and threatening water supplies.

Yes, Senator Warren has some Native AMerican DNA. Next question.

Why is there yet another article about this?

I am so very, very tired.

This story scores a 8.5 out of 10 on the Oberlin Cafeteria Protest Outrage Scale 

I’m one of those every-day Americans who has a problem wondering what the backlash is really about.