honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

I mean, they can be mad. But science is science. She shot down an erroneous claim by Trump using DNA. At least she’s not a southern Cherokee Nation member wearing a MAGA hat.


Then maybe it’s time for new leadership if our heads of office are going to get squeamish about a group that’s okay with imprisoning children of parents seeking asylum and letting them die in custody, and (as been shown through investigative journalism) likely being sexually assaulted.

THIS is the correct response. Throw Trump quotes right back in their fucking face. 

So call them out in the streets and in our offices. They wanted Bill Clinton dead over a (heavily arguably) consensual sexual experience while in office. This man fucked pornstars and used campaign money (illegally) to silence them. Tell them they’re hypocrites to their faces and remind them of their obligations every

“Who is paying the bills?”

Some of us find swearing honest and an accurate depiction of one's feelings when used appropriately and sporadically to make a point. She's an intelligent woman who was fairly elected to her position I trust her choice in language. Thank you for your opinion.

lol he admitted to obstructing justice on live TV in an interview. 

I’ll clarify. Very often, when someone is put on life support, the outcome is not yet known. The hope is, of course, that the person will recover. But once the person is on life support, unringing that bell can be legally, morally, ethically, and logistically a challenge. It’s one thing to choose not to use

Personally, I'm pretty excited that Dems now have the power to start digging into his finances and taxes

Yep. Constitutionally, an “impeachable offense” is whatever a majority of the House says it is.

So the piles of known evidence, the massive conflicts of interest, and the painfully long list of ethical failures of the administration aren’t enough yet? The racism, the allegations of sexual assault, the campaign finance violations, etc. etc., that’s not enough yet?

There are already plenty of impeachable offenses independent of the Mueller probe (which is just determined by what the current House thinks is “high crimes and misdemeanors”). You’re just participating in the same goal post moving that everyone focused on “civility” and “norms” is.

Impeach the motherfucker.

That has been argued as cruel and unusual in many courts: death by starvation/dehydration is nasty, prolonged, and painful, and med staff aren’t allowed to provide a quick and merciful overdose (that’s considered manslaughter at the least.)

Any “political” reporter who asks an elected official about this at a time when the government is shut down, we’re officially at war in multiple countries and climate change exists should be fired immediately.

Hey, it was locker room talk.

I mean, yeah. It was a rhetorical question. I’m not suggesting that men shouldn’t be able to have jobs, not really. I’m just highlighting the fact that their presence is often a burden in situations where they have to be monitored at all times.

“If a male staff needs to enter a female room, they need to bring in a female employee with them.”

I’m just gonna leave this here: