honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

I sort of snickered, but as a foreigner I’m going to admit I don’t exactly get how this is such a big deal and why progressives keep groaning that Warren fucked up - she said she had a fairly distant ancestor that was Native American, Trump openly mocked her and practically dared her to do a DNA test, she did and

Plot twist: they weren’t Generals, they were wanna-be actors and models in uniforms hanging around a sci-fi esque chamber where none of the buttons work to distract Trump while real military folk got on with their work.

I wonder how many people succumbed to their ailments because Paul LePage unilaterally prevented them from receiving care because he’s a fucking shitdick with no heart.

He also said he knows more about drones than anyone else. I believe he was talking about bees. Maybe it’s wishful thinking on my part, you know the bit where drones pop their clogs after a quick bonk.

I only hope that Maine can keep the momentum going long enough to throw that fucking horrible bitch Susan Collins out on her sexual assault enabling ass in 2020. 

So he thinks he could be elected president of, say, Denmark, if only he wanted to? Despite not being, you know, Danish??

I like this theory. Larry gets eaten by a giant snake. 

It’s semi clever, but I’m still horrified that the goddamn sitting president is tweeting memes making fun of senators.

Yes, I know it’s not unusual behavior for Donnie, but we should never stop being horrified. 

It’s just the only criteria that matters to Trump in evaluating talent: looks.

The “generals” quote is just so absolutely fucking ludicrous.  What in the Hell does Tom Cruise have to do with national security?

I’m not sure what you’re implying, but if Warren wins the nom, I’m absolutely voting for her. One boneheaded mistake shouldn’t make a person unelectable.

That quote about the generals makes me think I know the real reason he’s such an insufferable ass.

the achievements of “Trump,”

and Presidential Harassment. For them

Damnit this is what happens when you lose your Chief of Staff, didn’t ANYONE think to buy him a toy so he wouldn’t pout today? Someone better head up Independence Ave and get that Fucker a Snickers McFlurry now

If I pet any other dogs in front of my dog, he jumps up in my lap and demands that I rub his belly.

Definitions of negotiation:

I dream big.

Thirteen year old me had pretty terrible taste in men. See Johnny Depp, Kirk Cameron, Scott Baio, and that boy in my eighth-grade class who become a hedgefund bro and helped break the global economy.