honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

The only possible upside is that it might eventually dawn on them what the GOP actually is now.

The GOP is forever shooting itself in the foot with its bigotry, because there are a ton of Muslims—and other minorities—who tend to have conservative leanings... but it’s a little hard to join a party that openly despises you.

Yep. These are the people who literally want me to be put to death for having had an abortion, but yeah, I’m shaking in my shoes at the thought of more delicious middle eastern bakeries and shawarma delis coming to Dearborn.

Yeah, I work there. Great shawarma! Absolutely no Sharia law.

The Republican Muslim is the dumbest guy in the story.  

Maybe you’re a non-white, non-Christian, non-heterosexual, and/or non-male who genuinely believes, either out of self-interest or as a matter of principle, in conservative “principles” of an American-imperialist foreign policy, the efficacy of the free market and the need to loosen the suffocating shackles of

I always love how these wackos bring up "Dearborn, Michigan" as if its their version of Tehran.

I’m a Muslim. I’ve been to Mosque in my youth. So let me blow some minds and say: I have never met anyone who actively advocates for Sharia law who wasn’t looked upon by everyone else in the Mosque as a bit of a scary person.

Being a Muslim Republican is just insane. It’s like being a gay Republican.

There was a joke a while back by some comedian that went roughly like “Dick Cheney is pissed that his record of being the most evil dude in recent history is being threatened by a man who can barely spell.”

I have declared my allegiance. So be it.

Shit, does he even bother attending the inauguration if he doesn’t win reelection?

Too bad Trump is too stupid for any shade to register, and that’s assuming he was actually paying attention. I assure you he was just imagining how GREAT and COOL his funeral will be with the BIGGEST FUNERAL CROWD EVER!!!!! And Melania would have to nudge him at points where he should solemnly nod his head.

Michelle was, is, and always will be Queen Everything.

And after 45 is gone, Melania will bail to be with a Middle Eastern billionaire. She’ll stay far away from any state events. 

Trump and Melania do not belong up there with the other presidents and their wives, it is viscerally upsetting for me to see his fat arrogant ass in that row. WTF has this world come to? excuse me while I vomit


I’m no Bush fan, not by a long shot, but two delightful observations: Historian Jon Meacham’s entire eulogy (GHWBush requested Meacham give the eulogy, and clearly entrusted him with this specific wordsmithing) was carefully crafted to shade Trump in every sentence. Never mentioning Trump by name, every word referred

What do you think Trump smells like?

I am convinced PETA is an active fundraising trolling scam; long before Infowars, PETA was making money off of the kooks on the fringes.