It may be a tactic to keep him from going on an hour long rant, as he is prone to do when there's no definite end. "Sorry, Mr. President, Air Force One is waiting for you. We have to cut this interview short."
It may be a tactic to keep him from going on an hour long rant, as he is prone to do when there's no definite end. "Sorry, Mr. President, Air Force One is waiting for you. We have to cut this interview short."
As a taxpayer, I’m happy my money can go toward the president campaigning for an open racist. There’s nothing else I’d rather my taxes be paying for. There are no homeless people, starving people, mass shootings etc. that would be better served with my taxes.
He needs to go whip white people in Mississippi into a racist rage so that they vote tomorrow. Sadly, it might work.
. . . Anybody else notice that the only time this guy speaks to anybody is when he’s stepping onto an airplane, or into a car, or onto a helicopter, while on the way to somewhere else?
“I’ve seen it, I’ve read some of it. It’s fine,”= “someone put it on my desk, I read the title as I pushed it aside to eat my KFC, I could read all of the big words”
Sigh. That these two have not been laughed off into irrelevancy is baffling to me. They wanted the advantages of proximity to power, so they supported their pal a certified lunatic despite all the massive red flags. They continued to insinuate they had the president’s ear well into 2017. They are corrupt parasites who…
Anyone else think that Joe Scarborough looks like Chandler Bing?
Did Joe talk over Mika’s part of the vows?
Isn’t having a nonconsensual audience the entire crux of Louis CK’s kink?
Yeah, he’s the worst. He was sentenced to two years, served just over a month. He’s a convicted felon who can’t get a liquor license, which, boo fucking hoo. You blinded a guy for life! No one wants your stupid burgers*!
Wow. That’s a lot of projection. I’m fat always have been(230 lbs), but I’m not ugly. It never occurs to me what other people think of my body.
But women like her should probably have some understanding of what it’s like on the other side of the coin. It’s one thing to have body dysmorphia; it’s another to actually live in a body that people actively find disgusting and that causes everyone, including medical professionals, to treat the people inside those…
I think the commenter feels it’s condescending to have a conventionally attractive woman telling us beauty doesn’t matter even knowing she wasn’t always conventionally attractive. Some women never experience the glow up and now they’re getting ridiculed for what they are doing trying to get it.
That’s so great! lol
WHAT ARE YOU ARGUING ABOUT, seriously though. I don't see a correlation for your - but she's pretty...etc
Did you miss the part where she was heavy as a child and bullied because of it, and also in an accident that left her unable to walk, as well as developing an eating disorder?
Fork me, great tweet. I just shirt my pants.
But people won’t listen to women who are NOT conventionally beautiful who say this stuff (because trust me they are) — they don’t have her platform. She has this platform because she’s talented and smart but also beautiful and thank goddess she’s using it to make this kind of positive noise. I have no problem with her…
Except Jameela wasn’t always conventionally beautiful. She explained in a recent interview that her advocacy surrounding body positivity comes from personal experiences being born deaf, being heavy as a child and bullied about her weight, and in a serious accident that left her unable to walk for more than a year.…
I thought maybe she is just trying to get out from under her sister’s shadow....