honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

Id say the MBAs primary job is justifying the existence of MBAs. Neither the truth, utility nor humanity will get in their way!

Uuuugh. MBAs. The worst people with the worst ideas to improve “efficiency” at my former jobs all had MBAs. Their ideas always involved unnecessarily complicating things that were working smoothly and easily, generally also involving a new software with an ugly and useless UI. Their departments would bloat to two

Are they not required by law to report abuse to the police just like teachers, nurses, etc are?

Well, it has been much, much easier to spot mouth breathing idiots because of him, so I guess, yeah, he has made a difference. 

He didn’t tell them they had to pay $200 to play a round first, a businessman is always thinking money first

Well fuck.

Wow, it only took a few minutes before someone tried to compare FGM with male circumcision. Every friggin time...

It’s a hate crime. The federal government absolutely has jurisdiction to prosecute crimes committed against a class of people.

How about all religions just shut the fuck up about mutilating the genitals of ALL children? 

Yes, to me the problem isn’t this ruling -some crimes get handled at the state level and others at the federal- it’s the 23 states that haven’t passed legislation against this mutilation. Still, I don’t see what prevents prosecutions for assault especially if this is done to minors even in the states that didn't

It’s illegal in 27 states, and you can still - I assume - charge the practitioners with assault, etc.


The Satanic temple would like to respectfully disagree with that sentiment.

In all seriousness, this is an insult to satanists. I’ve had occasion to know a few in my time. They are in my experience secular, empirical, empathetic, science loving people who wish no ill will on anyone. No jokes.

Who knew Trump was dumber that (sic) a domesticated turkey?

Do you really think they could have got the toddler to hold still long enough for a second take? People use coloured flash cards to try and brief him on important issues

You do have to give Trump one thing: he is uniquely talented at being incredibly awful at things that almost every other public figure would consider easy.

People who want to get out of there as soon as possible and won’t put this disaster on their resume any way

“This is one of the thanksiest of givings particularly from my standpoint of receiving”

The message is whatever but what’s with the weird camera angles?