honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

Let’s not forget Bush v. Gore (although obviously Roberts wasn’t responsible for it) in the list of cases badly hurting the image of SCOTUS’s independence.


I have a feeling he knows deep down that horse has left the barn.

Or, you know, he doesn’t want to be known as the Chief Justice that destroyed the concept of the judiciary as a separate but equal branch of government under this travesty of an executive. I’ve got no love for Roberts, but he hasn’t been a party-line justice like many of his “subordinates.”

That, or it was a warning to “Trump judges” that their decisions may not be upheld if they come before SCOTUS and they are in any way politicized.

they file it in what’s called the 9th Circuit

Today, Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts took a surprising stance on President Trump’s recent comments about the 9th Circuit Appeals Court—he disagreed with them.

You cut off the best part of Trump’s quote...

“It’s a disgrace when every case gets filed in the 9th Circuit,” Trump said as part of a lengthy criticism of the court. “That’s not law. Every case in the 9th Circuit we get beaten and then we end up having to go to the Supreme Court like the travel ban and we won. Every

Yeah, that’s the thing. People seem to forget that both times impeachment has been tried, it has failed. Nixon might have actually been removed had he not resigned, but that was a radically different time with radically different norms and expectations—I honestly can’t see how that would happen today. If the Democrats

I have no doubt he’ll believe this will be the end of it because his mind functions on such a basic level that to him everything is if you have a problem you do thus and such a thing and, bam, problem solved.

Giuliani added that Trump had “nonetheless provided unprecedented cooperation” with the inquiry

I mean, it’s true that the entire Western World takes a pretty soft stance on Saudi Arabia (and that Democrats haven’t exactly stopped arms deals with them, given Trump’s magic numbers include deals made under Obama), but I doubt any other even mildly competent leader would be this blase about the murder of a

For some reason we learned about Baba Yaga in like 1st grade and in retrospect I question this pedagogy.

“It is time to bring this inquiry to a conclusion,” Giuliani said. 

It’s weird how much power impeachment (as opposed to removal) holds in the public discourse.

Facing impeachment? From who?

I know I am in the minority, but for a president to even say out loud that he wants to prosecute people he perceives as his political opponents is an impeachable offense. Historians are going to ask why he wasn’t impeached at all, and will cite dozens of examples like this.

I don’t even know what’s going on over there anymore. And also The Great Greying seems to have resulted in an increase in the number of trolls or just downright asshats in the greys and next to no comments in the black. I wonder what the point even was.

Another bar lowered......

I think over there some have reached the “Fuck all this, burn it all down” stage.