honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

Nobody clears brush out of forests though, because forests are fucking huge. You’d need a million people on forest maintenance to make any headway whatsoever (because brush grows back all the time as we all know), and besides, it would be crazy, and nobody would want to pay for it. Forests don’t need maintenance

When you start losing the rural taters, you’re in trouble.

They only care when they personally lose stuff or when his bullshit personally affects them and not when it’s hurting other people.

Good point. We should really be focused on the lack of decorum in attacking the guy who has not expensed any sympathy for those effected, rather he blames them.

Ohhhh he said they’re sending rakists. We all misheard.

The UN regularly makes declarations (some would say the non-binding-er the better for the feckless traditions of the UN), why couldn’t say... France, propose a proposition which declares trump to be so mentally incompetent that no member nation shall consider any statement made by him to be official in any capacity? Ca

I don’t think that. I can absolutely see the vulnerabilities in myself that would make me susceptible to be taken in by someone who said the right things.

Straight Tru-Tru: Every person thinks that he or she is “too smart to fall for such nonsense” and “would never get involved in something so stupid.”


I completely agree.

Casefile podcast also has a great multi-episode series on Jonestown and it is very difficult to listen to. 

Great example, the SNP. I would use the portuguese example as well (although that’s maybe too close for me to have some perspective over it): we currently have what feels like one of the best governments ever, and it’s mostly because the Socialist party (not really that socialist anymore) had to make a parliamentary

She hid, but she didn’t know what she was hiding from, because they went around to round everyone up. Her sister left willingly, and she was like, nah fuck him, and stayed behind, hid under her bed until they’d stopped looking for people, then just went to bed. She thought it was just another speech or something. In

omg, please.  take his name off national airport!  He broke the air traffic controllers union!

I wasn’t born yet when this happened, so the “drink the kool-aid” phrase was around all while I was a kid, and I never got it until it came up randomly in grad school. I can’t believe it was such a fucking punchline. 

I remember reading someone had been taking a nap and slept through the whole thing and woke up to a bunch of dead bodies. That must have been fucked up.

So many have explained how they got involved in cults and why they didn’t leave, yet lots of people can’t understand why people are in cults. Why? I can totally see why people join cults, but I can not wrapping my head around hearing people's accounts and saying "no, I don't get it"

It's such a tragedy. Something many people forget is that cults operate like an abusive partner - it all seems fine at the start, but slowly they gain control over your finances, isolate you from anyone else, and begin playing mind games with you, etc. And like survivors of domestic abuse, the victims are blamed, and

I would give myself an A+. Is that enough? Can I go higher than that?

This is a great idea. Cruel, partisan hacks deserve no memorial.