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When I heard about this yesterday I drifted off into a fantasy where I meet him and say “it’s nice to meet you Mr. Carson.” He would try to correct me and say it’s DR. Carson. I would then reply, “oh, does this mean you have a PHD in Urban Development?”

Gosh I completely forgot about Ben Carson. There are too many tragically incompetent human beings in this administration to keep track of and that is just terrifying. We are not processing any of the disasters in education, housing, immigration, justice, elections etc etc. We are just lumbering from one train wreck to

Remember the press conference he held where he just had stacks of blank pages and boxes full of prop files? It was so long ago but I will never forget sitting in the waiting room of a hospital while my husband was undergoing neurosurgery, trying to distract myself with Stephen King and fuming that I couldn’t escape

Lemme go a step further, McConnell and the Senate GOP have encourage the executives excesses:

that jackass couldn’t even refrain from saying out loud the thing he wasn’t supposed to while talking to a propaganda network.

At this point any one of us could argue obstruction in court, I am not sure what Mueller is waiting for.

Trump probably holds an opinion common among “captains of industry”: They think anyone can do any job (except theirs, of course). He probably just assumed, “Carson’s a doctor. He must be smart.” (Despite the fact that Carson may be the dumbest doctor ever.) Also, Trump and his ilk possess a deep-rooted disdain for


Maybe we should replace him with a rocket scientist.

I love that one... a search engine and two social networks are colluding to... what, show that facts and people’s opinion of him are... biased? In other words, he’s a liar and everyone hates him, so there must be a conspiracy?

To be fair, there does seem to be enough GOP members who would vote in favor of a Mueller protection bill, but that may also be grandstanding as they all likely know McConnell will never actually let a vote come to pass. 

Yes, Donnie, we already KNOW that’s why you appointed Whitaker! But you’re supposed to say the quiet part quietly! SMDH.

I’m so shocked that a neurosurgeon doesn’t know urban planning.  The two fields are just so, so similar!

I blame bad parenting. Trump keeps misbehaving because he has never been held accountable his whole life, especially from his own pathetic party and administration. Now that he and Turtleman have packed the courts with partisan hacks, he feels emboldened to say whatever is on his tiny mind. He denies guilt and brags

POTUS: Well, I heard it was a very strong opinion. Uh, which is good. But [Whitaker] is just somebody that’s very respected.

Can’t wait to see this one dropped into the Watergate Roadmap for Impeachment. Do you think the obstruction of justice charges will be sorted by date, or by obviousness? So many choices for the Mueller people here...

The man is pure Id. The only thing he thinks the AG does is run interference for POTUS in special investigations, so that's the only thing he talked about, completely unbid.

I’m pretty sure Trump has just enough brain power to run his autonomic functions.

I never thought Lean In was okay. Her message essentially boiled down to, “Ladies, if you’re not being promoted at work, it’s your own fault. You’re just not ambitious enough! Gotta ignore your responsibilities at home, work all the time, even if you’re pregnant, and take the less prestigious positions you’re offered a

I thought Lean In was okay until I saw the Foundation advertising unpaid internships in NYC. This was right after Sandberg made $90 million.