honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

I think my boobs would revolt if I dared put them in anything but Panache. And they last forever....which is good because it takes a while to save up to buy several.

You’re like a time machine back to the 90's - minus the good music and cool clothes. 

This is God’s take.

This is funny. Once ICE is abolished, do they think there is no need for border security?


New Rule: anyone that was cool with the GOP inventing $2 trillion out of thin air for freebies for people with yachts that have tiny yachts inside doesn’t get to demand how we pay for people who need chemotherapy treatments.

Most people want progressive, liberal policies because most people aren’t multi-millionaire business owners, private hedge fund managers, or real estate tycoons. The rub is in the uncomfortable fact that ‘real America’ doesn’t like progressive, liberal politicians (for a variety of reasons). That’s how Claire

AOC’s snark game is on point.

Yeah, sounds familiar.

In three months, he’ll be complaining that the Democrats wouldn’t give Merrick Garland a hearing.

You want them to go away, but you think they should have published a document detailing the affair? Oh, and I’m SOOOO sick of this, “Hillary should have been a strong woman and left his ass” - here’s a hot take, maybe she loves the man and wanted to make her marriage work? Maybe she said, “well, you owe me for the

“We’re going to ignore Gerrymandering as the leading cause of all this bullshit, because neither party wants to actually have their numbers regulated by a third party.... So instead we’ll pitch the idea of civilly breaking up states.”

those two weiners are much better. 

ANd then looking for this...came across a two weiner meme...it’s odd.

Wow, fuck off forever.

I legit don’t understand the Monica Lewinsky hatred in this day and age. She was 22 years old. Has anyone seen a 22 year old lately or remember some of their own decisions? In addition, her recognition of the pain caused to Hillary and Chelsea is important and not something that she has ever failed to acknowledge.

How exactly did Lewinsky have even any power to smear anyone? And I don’t remember Ken Starr as being a Democrat. Because he wasn’t. And isn’t. 

Was she wrong?

I’ve more or less given up on their bras because they don’t carry my size, but I like their underwear.

i would, in fact, they’re so fucking stupid bc. they don’t at all sell to the “sexy” girl. they sell to girls who aspire to be sexy in the “effortless” way the models are. on models anything looks good, and people who are like that in real life are generally more carefree.