It’s not, and I didn’t say it was. Perpetuating the myth that only VS models’ bodies are sexy is harmful.
It’s not, and I didn’t say it was. Perpetuating the myth that only VS models’ bodies are sexy is harmful.
As a large boobed lady, I’ve always hated VS because the bras were tiny. Then I got a breast reduction and found that they were so heavily padded that they wouldn’t even conform to my breast.
I have always been amazed at VS success considering what a narrow range of women it appealed to, but not just for body types. By the time I could afford their lingerie, I was old enough to recognize it as being crap.
When his excellent plans don’t get the universal adulation he expects, someone had to take the fall for them.
Can any of you industry insiders give some clarity on something for me. Or maybe someone at GMG could expound in a bit more nuanced depth on it:
I don’t think there’s been a good President since Carter. So, none in my lifetime. And people didn’t want him. Advocated for renewable energy and told people to wear sweaters. THE HORROR!
You’re right. My use of a common metaphor has really exposed the seedy underbelly of internet commenting.
I would say a big reason is that we hired Halliburton to make that mess...
I’m not giving them jack shit. I think it’s telling that a comment specifically about how we can’t forgive GW Bush and fuck all these people looking back on him fondly, is being taken as tacit approval for drone strikes by tons of comments. Like, am I just so much older than everyone here? Is it weird that I seem to…
I’m not the one telling anyone in an internet comment to stop internet commenting. You can try to make me feel shitty about commenting more than you but you’re the one who started THIS dumb conversation. Good day, sir! Go mind someone else’s business now please.
I’ll upvote you for this comment even though I challenged you on another one, just so you don’t feel I’m gunning for you. I’m with you here, that person who replied to you is being a pedantic little twit.
How about you make an original point based on your own experience or thought process or intelligently respond with a thoughtful counterpoint instead of uselessly nitpicking?
Maybe spend less time commenting.
On that we agree.
Him but that doesn’t make him not a lying war criminal.
Did I literally get punched repeatedly with people fists? No.
Yeah that’s definitely what I was doing, putting my head in the sane. Your take is just FIRE hot.
Yeah, he was a horrible drunk actually
In a FB group I belong to full of liberals/Democrats in my state (which is red), I got PUMMELED for refusing to feel cute when Michelle Obama and GW shared a candy because he’s a fucking war criminal and basically was the final nail in the coffin for pre-Trump America because of his destruction of our economy. And I…
If one can separate the personality from the ideals (they cannot), I’d say George W. Bush would seem like an amazing person to go out and have a beer with.
But, per my first sentence, the ensuing discussion during that beer would...not be kind.