honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

McConnell isn’t going to do shit to be bipartisan - he’ll try to pass something only Republicans want and then say that the House won’t be bipartisan if they don’t do everything he says. Meanwhile he and the Republicans will keep talking about “presidential harassment” to stir up fury for 2020. 

Dozens wounded and 12 dead, including an armed police officer, in the latest mass shooting. Fuck your thoughts & prayers NRA and GOP spokesholes!

I somewhat agree - private homes and all that, don’t like that precedent - but then I think of how people are literally dying because of the ideology of hatred he spreads on his platform, and it’s realllll hard for me to hate it...

I’m cool with mostly anywhere...just not anywhere near a private home if it can be avoided.

What a petulent little baby. That mustache can’t hide it. 


They made a post on Monday. Basically they claimed there were too many approved trolls and bots so they wanted a reset. A lot of commenters think it had more to do with some harsh criticism from well-known commenters about some bad posts in recent months.

Everyone was greyed.

Ah Good ol’ Dubya. Only he could mangle a well-worn aphorism and turn it into some lyrics by the Who.


We’re just 12 hours after election day and already en route to a Constitutional crisis!

Yeah, but he also claimed that he can fire “everybody” at a moment’s notice.  He wants Mueller gone.

Wow, so now you’re changing the display name, but not the underlying user account? Can you seriously set up your own blog so we can learn more about what it is that drives you? Like, what’s your line of work in the real world, or are you retired/on disability?

Of course. Everyone that’s rejoicing about Sessions leaving will be saying, in about six months time, “Boy, I sure miss Jeff Sessions because he was not anywhere near as crazy as the new guy is!”

Fuck. I read just now that this Whitaker guy is on record as saying “the Mueller investigation has gone too far,” or something like that.

Mueller should be sending out indictments and more reports quickly. Before new AG Graham or Giuliani fires everyone else. 

I wouldn’t say he just plows on. In fact, I’d prefer he just make the mistake and move on since everybody knows what he meant. It’s the fact that he stops, realizes the mistake, goes “fuck you, I meant to say that” by saying AND, then says the correct word that makes it awful.

TEN. The last 10 years.

We do not have a “comfortable majority in the House” when a quarter to a third of them are weak enough to believe compromise is possible, much less desirable.