honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

The Joint Chiefs very politely telling him to fuck off with his border troops by ignoring his orders to shoot people with rocks but clearly stating they will provide “legal order support” shows he doesn’t have the military. He does have all of the fucking insane militias

Sure, in theory. But Trump is the head of the military, and he sure doesn’t serve the Constitution.

The military serves the constitution first. Not the president.

I fear the same thing, actually. What if he just refuses to give up the Presidency? I mean, who’s going to make him leave, right? He’s got the military, he’s got the nukes. There’s still the concern that he’ll just suspend elections in 2020 outright—and while I don’t think it’s necessarily a realistic concern, it’s

Im honestly afraid that Trump won't concede in 2020. He will insist he won and blame Fake News for spreading lies. He is a cancer to democracy as a whole. The longer he is around, the deeper that cancer spreads.

How the fuck does he get to just say, “Nah. I don’t want to recuse myself so I’ll do both things.” And we just let him do that. 

Voter Suppression really does work. Now let’s hope the courts work as well. I want his fucking emails. I know someone in his group can get flipped. 

This has to be spooking FoxConn.

Hopefully this smug,smarmy, cuntknuckle, booger-eating, drippy dicked, choad licker will take the hint and join his good buddy Paul Ryan in retirement. I just want to say I don't have anything against Scott Walker as a person... But no Happy Trails bitch

How???? Like, O’Rourke was always a long shot, and I can understand this, but Gillum? I really thougth he’d make it.

they’ll hold Nancy’s feet to the fire in terms of going after Trump

What a weird word salad.

Yep. And it still amazes me that they don’t know it.

I will say this — my friend voted in FL today.

I’ve already seen some people say that Gillum lost because he campaigned with Hillary Clinton and wasn’t committed enough to Medicare for all.  If some so-called progressives can’t be bothered to vote against a racist because the other guy failed to pass the purity test, then I don’t know what to say.

That lede with that lede picture made me think anti-transit.

It’s almost like the people who say “Facts over Feels” are huge hypocrites!

Not to generalize every Republican candidate, but it seems like Republicans long ago found the superfood of winning elections: don’t run on reality, on your behavior and policies and the impact of those policies, but run on cultural issues where you can make the voters feel a certain way, usually having to do with

LOL @ Charlie Baker trying to work

This seems like a terrible sign for 2020. Sure there are paths to 270 that don’t seem include Florida, but it’s a harder climb without it on the board.  A Trump worshiping racist mouth breather winning certainly makes it seem like they’re primed to go red again in the next election.