honkhonkhonk - check if it's really me!

The only prediction I’m prepared to make is that my district (CA-49) will flip, but that’s a foregone conclusion because the GOP candidate is a nut and the NRCC abandoned her weeks ago. 

It’s a safe click. 

  • I will protect her with my life! [MSNBC]

This isn’t something I’ve paid attention to, because I always get cartoon Band-Aids (yes, I’m 48, so what?). But I assumed this would have been mainstream AGES ago! I remember seeing a newspaper comic probably in the early 1980s where Frankenstein’s monster is upset that “flesh-colored” bandages don’t work for him. (C

Here’s what you missed. And if you missed being grayed, congrats (from the grays)!

Hey I see ya un grayed! Hook a brotha up!

This. The current rule is simple, if you don’t directly claim X, you aren’t X. Doing legit propaganda makes it harder to maintain that minimal fiction that FNC is anything other than an organized propaganda arm of the GOP with only a balance of its profit motive to consider.

Did you see that the Turd King of Shit Mountain was the top promoted comment on that very post itself for a while?

Agreed, I just didn’t think it was new behavior, though.

I am too.  Someone must’ve bumped this post up.

Yeah, this screams of jealousy more than actual outrage. I can’t see how the “Caravan of blood thirsty ISIS members, hell-bent on raping your children and livestock” crowd has any actual complaints about Sean fully embracing his position as Czar of State Media.

We’re all gray down here, Georgie.

I know. I was actually surprised that Hannity was classified (if that’s what you call it) by Fox as a “journalist.” He is, at best, a commentator. He’s certainly not a reporter. Why all the pearl-clutching? 

It made for some amazingly entitled comments. The whole comment section is worth a read.

This is almost exactly what I said, but am doomed to the greys :(

There was an explanation about this yesterday. Too many ungreyed trolls apparently, so they greyed everyone to start anew. 

You have to think about their moral spectrum, not yours.

I imagine to continue to work for Fox News, at least part of you has to truly believe it’s a reputable news source and not just a propaganda machine, and it’s really hard to argue that point when you’ve got a host literally at a function whose sole purpose is propaganda.

He’s on FOX; it’s not like the journalism work takes up much time!

Well, sure, but that’s because a tap dancer’s feet are supposed to be the focal point, while a ballet dancer’s feet are pointed to smooth out the continuous body lines. Jazz shoes generally look like a soft version of tap shoes, but that’s because both types are meant to resemble traditional (men’s) dress shoes.