
Yep. Well into her second decade of pregnancy by now.

Thank you. I dislike everything about this dress. That fabric, that bodice, and the scrawling all over it? SUPER UGH.

Then the Tabloids would probably just buy it off others. The way I see it, you can either go ninja and wait for the paps to inevitably party crash you, or you can invite them in, and lock them in the press room (and get some extra money for charity in the process).

Am I nuts or is that dress a little circa '97 Delia's catalog in the bodice? Not that I'm complaining.

That little dog just trust-leaped his way into my heart. The owner just trust-caught his way into my pants.

Happy thoughts:

This is a garbled, half-finished thought, so I hope you'll forgive me if I sound like a moron, but here it is: I sometimes wonder if Stewart would be given a slightly more forgiving ride in the pop-culture discourse if she were gay. Refusing to engage with a lot of gender-performative norms as a gay woman is something

Ah, a classic stealth stinker. A fine example of the type. She gets bonus points for the excellent tailoring and ripe bouquet of rotting flesh.

Tom, I gotta tell you, I've been to all kinds of places around the world. I've inhaled the pungent body odour of people from Afghanistan to Zambia. I've smelled life's rich, disgusting pageant. But nothing compares to the furtively warm, wet, dead-mouse stink of a dude sitting next to me on the Greyhound bus service

Pretty much this. Even if they could learn how to hunt and forage, orcas are also extremely social animals. To be considered a candidate for release, an orca must be wild-caught and it must have surviving family. A captive born orca doesn't have that. Even if it learn to hunt fish, it has no family to go to in the

Okay, just for perspective, let's all consider what the average Westerner knows about the Japanese atrocities in China during WWII. We vaguely know something about comfort houses and Nanjing, maybe, those of us that like to read, because of Iris Chang. Yet millions were systematically murdered.

Nope, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that SeaWorld expanding their cages is not a move designed to help orcas. It's purely designed to fool people into thinking that they actually care about their animals. If they cared about orcas, they would release them to sanctuaries rather than keep them in captivity.

This is such a good point. My sister and I are polar opposites. I was the booksmart-competition-motivated-pushing-makes-me-work-better-kid. She was the creative type who wilted in competition and had unusual skills due to learning disabilities. She went on to go to NFL nationals and was a finalist multiple times.

I propose a compromise, prizes for all children under seven. Eight and up should be emotionally mature enough, or at the very least able to understand the concept of only winners winning, and motivate themselves to try harder, or give up because they're just not any good at the academic/sport/guessing game.

I played competitive sports as a kid. I also competed in musical and performance competitions, spelling bees, and was a force to be reckoned with on the debate team.

I ran into that Japanese black style "subculture" a few years back when I went to Japan with an ex.

While I would love it if SeaWorld shut down right this instant, I think of what happened to Keiko and worry that letting the whales free now would actually kill them. Is there a way to integrate the orca back into the wild? Or some kind of compromise where they can live semi-wild in a cove or something?

When I first moved to San Diego and was dating, I'd get military guys asking me to marry them, just because of the money and living situation. In fact, I know a couple of girls who have done it for that reason. They just split the money and get divorced once the guys are done serving.

Sometimes Barack Obama is such a little coward.

Fantastic statement from Jesse Williams. I'm bi-racial, but can say that I've never really been harassed by the cops in my lifetime. My brothers however? Dudes can't move two feet without a policeman stopping jus to "check-in". This shit is real, and it would be lovely for large parts of the country to open their