
That's absolutely correct and absolutely does not address the other forms of cultural practices that most people who frequent these boards find detestable, which was the crux of my post (in obvious combination with my umbrage re: the dismissive tone in which the author refers to "unnecessary flak from animal

OK, well, how do we feel about the farming of ivory and other rare animal parts used my East Asian cultures for perceived medical benefits? Or how about shark fin soup, a traditional delicacy especially popular among the Hong Kongnese? What about whaling by the Japanese, which is defended as part of their

I have been up and down these comments and not once has anyone addressed what I feel is the most important aspect of this post: what the FUCK is dangling from his head wound?!

Yeah, I'm with you. Have been in Greater China for over a decade (mainland, Hong Kong, trips to Taiwan) and locals (primarily in the mainland and Taiwan) are oddly enthusiastic about Hitler, who they think was a great strategist and leader. I'm not entirely sure his crimes even come up in their curriculum, to be

I'm not entirely sure how the cost of a JDAM kit versus Hellfire is further proof of US concerns regarding precision strikes? According to an NYU/Stanford report: "blast radius from a Hellfire missile can extend anywhere from 15-20 meters; shrapnel may also be projected significant distances from the blast"