
Ray Rice gets two weeks (initially).

This is actually a crucial distinction because the government sanctioned seal-hunt in the Northeast gives a terribly name to a sustainable, pragmatic practice by many inuits. The killing of seals while not using any part of them because "they eat all our cod" is the stupidest, most barbaric thing I can think of yet it

I find nothing more condescending and relativist than the idea that all "indigenous" traditions should be respected simply because they're old.

I hope we can have civil discourse here, I know that the topic of animal rights ruffles a lot of feathers (pun unintended). Background; I'm a life long vegan for what I perceive to be ethical reasons and I am 100% on board with animal rights. I have absolutely no right to champion my worldview over the world view of

This is actually not true. Seals are still killed by clubbing so that the skins, which are also (cough cough) "valuable" are not damaged.

I'm not going to sit here and gush about her album, because 1. I haven't listened to the whole thing and 2. The few songs I've heard just aren't my jam, sorry, but she gets mad points from me for scrolling the names of over 1,000 missing and murdered Canadian Aboriginal women behind her during her performance. Our

My entire point is that we are increasingly seeing the easily outraged criticize people for simply "partaking in or admiring somebody else's culture and traditions". The "hypothetical perfect world" I referenced was in response to this specific mindset - as in according to the logic deployed by some, the only way to

I'm guessing you're not a popper (what they're doing is popping, with some waves, robot and dimestops thrown in, I didn't see any locking). Popping was created in the hoods of LA, Sacramento, Fresno, Stockton and San Jose in the late 70s. While most of the OGs of popping are black and Latino, there are also notable

Learn to read and it will all make sense.

No, it isn't. Columbusing refers to when white people falsely claim to have discovered or invented something. These two dancers make no such claims.

The worst part is that the GOP mouthpieces don't even have to resort to bullshit to legitimately and effectively criticize Obama's policies.

If they disciplined her, they can't say anything. And perhaps they can't verify membership in any student organizations, but it's likely they couldn't give details because they didn't have details. Alpha Phi has no incentive to share membership details with the general public, but their HQ confirmed that she was

Being Christian and being ignorant is not the same thing. I don't see anything offensive for one's Christian beliefs in this article.

Seriously? That was my point. As a white woman I don't deal with racism, just sexism. A lot of the stereotypes in this article are rooted in sexism, so all women face them. Then you add on the racism such as being "an angry black woman". I was acknowledging that it was different and it sucks. You dont need to tell me

Best pitcher I ever caught fore (I did 4 years in high school and one in college before I destroyed my shoulder) was a young lady. I was in the navy and we had Captain's Cup on the carrier. Her control was...excuse my sailor language...FUCKING sick. Not the hardest thrower...but she would have batters DIVING out of

You forgot to add "like a boss."

Or we could have them like respectable adults and not resort to the Tumblr flavored 101 level discourses that result in a seemingly intelligent person like you making a proper noun out of Problematic Implications. It's asinine and does nothing but help you flip your own bean. If we never have to have this conversation

Calm down, Tumblr.

I only get medical advice from strippers with properly spelled names. Cause I'm classy.

Protip: do not get your medical referrals from someone named Pebbelz Da Model.