peapod (bob ross's pocket squirrel)

*screams at full, blood-curdling volume endlessly*

(ps, just wanna make it clear to all that after voting bernie in the primary, i voted for hillary, because i didn’t want any part in *gestures wordlessly at today*)

every member of my immediate family (and most of my extended family), as well as the vast majority of my friends have at least one preexisting condition. my dad has stage 4 prostate cancer and his extremely expensive treatments are just to prolong life. we all have various forms of debt. i’m just gobsmacked by the

as someone who lives across the bay from sf, it’s so hard to function just with the shitty things happening nationally, let alone in terms of being nuked possibly in the next few years...

i’m an atheist but now i really hope hell exists

my grandpa, a big bernie supporter, died of metastatic lung cancer before the democratin primary. as i watched the election results rolling in and realized this is really happening, i immediately felt glad that my grandpa got to go out when it seemed like bernie and single-payer health insurance still had a chance.


yesss. that’s on my resist playlist (which i started obsessively creating/listening to as soon as i could bear to listen to music again after the election).

i mentioned above that the excerpts made me think of how anastasia steele would write, but your comment made me also remember that she was all but handed a major job fresh out of college and very clearly didn’t do any of the work that was expected of her – and then christian grey bought the company and made her the

reading those excerpts, i immediately thought of anastasia steele. totally un-self-aware, privileged, self-absorbed.

45 is already elderly!christian gray: manipulative, evil, rapey, claiming to want to “help” people but always making it about himself…

i didn’t care for his character the first go-around, personally, but when i rewatched, he grew on me and i started to like him more. (obviously, you are totally entitled to your own opinions/comedic preferences! :) )

weren’t they already implied to be pretty gay in the animated movie? same with lafou in beauty and the beast. i just don’t get it. this should be old news by now. slowpokememe.jpg

“Regarding the lawsuit, Jones said, “‘I’m not backing down, I’m never giving up, I love this. To fight that dirt bag Nazi collaborator.’”

bombing Syria and bringing us closer and closer to WWIII?

you’d think a guy who used to sleep with a copy of hitler’s speeches on his nightstand and has surrounded himself with nazis would know how to pronounce that word correctly.


you can’t convince me that they aren’t in a twincest situation

(and i ain’t even mad about it)

ooof, haha.

perfect picture response is perfect!

ding ding ding! and seroquel, aka the med my partner had to stop taking because it made him pre-diabetic.