
Side note: Married people use contraception too. People act like every woman on the pill is a literal prostitute.

Jude is right. I’m not living. I am not even human. I am a spirit who only briefly takes corporeal form to post Harry Styles gifs on Jezebel. Here’s the secret: it may not be living, but it’s wonderful.

I started D&D on the first edition when I was twelve. I happen to be female. It was our habit to draw a representation of our characters and use them as screens so that other players couldn’t see your notes / character sheets. Myself and the other female player always drew our characters (not well) in the usual half

If these neighbors were smart, they’d take these pics and put them on io9.

Now I kind of hope that the Man in Black finds his way out of the maze and finds out that the world outside is a Post-Apocalyptic wasteland, and Dr. Ford is just a lonely future Geppetto trying desperately to give his creations the ability to take themselves to another level before he dies of old age.

He left not just because Hannah was going to die but because Louise decided to have Hannah despite knowing how it ends. The line she tells Hannah that Ian said as he left was, “You made the wrong choice.” Now, whether Ian meant just having Hannah or having Hannah without first telling *him* about it, and depriving him

This white person agrees. It was us. I don’t want it to be us, but there it is.

This is really shaking a lot of my core values because I feel the same way. I want to point and say “see I fucking told you so when” his trade and immigration policies fuck our economy and when the abortion rate goes up because women lose access to health care. I want him to fucking fail miserably.

I don’t know the answer to this anymore. It’s common for people to point to polls showing Sanders beating Trump. But the polls also showed Clinton beating Trump and they were all wrong.

Fuck people who stayed home, wrote in Bernie, or left the President choice blank (My Father.) even more.

Dammit Kinja! Brief summary? ;)

I was really getting annoyed/angry when they hit the second commercial break and we were still hanging. Once the Carl scene happened, I kept thinking, “Why am I even watching this? This is awful.” Awful in the sense that it was torture porn and also in the sense that the writers/producers were focused on milking

What I did like about the premiere is something you’ve touched on—the reaction from Rick’s team. I could reiterate what commentors have already said, but what actually made me have an emotional reaction wasn’t the gore of the deaths (read the comics so I knew what to expect with Glenn’s appearance), but rather, the

More or less. In the comics, Rick gets too big for his britches, they kill Saviors much like the TV show, and it leads to Abraham’s death, which was just like Denise’s except just outside the walls of Alexandria. They do kinda pick a fight they shouldn’t, because they think they’re that good and they survived the

So, what you mean to say is “I’m super fun at parties”?

Totally agree - imagine if last season’s finale had ended with Glenn’s death, or even with the Saviors packing up and driving away, leaving the group sitting there wondering how the hell to even stand up and continue. Would have been a very powerful finale.

I was about to abandon the show after last season’s cliffhanger, but the premiere brought me back in. It wasn’t so much about the deaths (I wasn’t surprised at either one of them) but seeing Rick’s team get so thoroughly beaten and broken down. Now I want to see where they go from here. In previous seasons, there was

sorry. I saw this here once, and the desire to see it again keeps me coming back, since it is not here, I made these for you.

The fact that you DIDN’T have a glass of wine, even after that intense craving, is an amazing achievement. You should feel really proud of yourself for that!