
Well, that map is ruined forever. Well done!

God I love this one. And he did not skip leg day.

Bob Kelso!

Also, what is Star City? Did the name get officially changed and I’ve already forgotten?

Did everyone go into the Capitol like they are in the trailer? It’s been so long since I’ve read them. But damn. A great trailer. I’ve enjoyed the hell out of these movies, which has been a nice change from most books-to-movie events.

One of the reasons I liked this movie was b/c the romantic lead guy was Bill Hader. Bill effing Hader. In what universe is he a McConahey (can’t be arsed to look up the spelling)-Grant-Bloom-insert good looking white guy here- caliber lead? He isn’t. But he’s funny as hell and looks more like the mortals on the dating

Dunno if anyone will see this question, but it’s been bugging me (no pun intended)....spoilers ahoy:

I enjoyed the heck out of it, although I think it started a leeetle slow. I also feel like it was one of the more simpler Marvel movies I’ve seen in awhile, but perhaps because they didn’t have to work in previous stories.

I couldn’t make it through Identity Thief and didn’t see Tammy. I loved The Heat though, because it was about two women being friends, not about scoring with some dude. And I like that bucking-the-norm thing in Spy too, even though everyone else tries to put her into that category. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! I

Have you seen Spy? I thought the fat girl schtick was done really well in that she was ACTUALLY A BADASS not playing into the ridiculous schtick.

Me too metoometoooooo! It was ahmahzing.

I’m the dude. Good question!

This has been my week.

Well, he’s ruined in my head forever.

Definitely relate to this!

I love you.

The other folks in the competition kinda thought the coworker in question was being extra-competitive in a non-helpful way. Apparently I’m the asshole here. I totally get what you’re saying. I really just wanted to underscore that the Fitbit can make you crazy also, for WHATEVER reason.

This is true.

I think that was the point that I was very poorly trying to get across. It was an encouragement thing, not a super-competitive thing until the co-worker took it to the next level just so she wouldn’t lose. However, I see the points of Danger and Daniel, much as I hate to admit it. But thanks for elucidating what I
