
How in the world could Tyrion be a Targaryen? It's been three years since I've finished all the books, but I just can't see this is a viable option. I personally subscribe to someone else being a secret Targaryen also, so I'm biased.

That won't be an awkward conversation at work: "Hey! I just read this thing on the internet..."

My favorites remain a blessing of unicorns and a parliament of owls.

I'm pretty sure this was a ploy to see how many people would sit in their office tapping their arms, looking stoopid.

"That terror follows my happiness like a shadow; they grow and swell together. It is worth it (to me, I think, though how can I know?), but it hurts."

It's legitimately made my Friday by getting to Google "Justin Timberlake pizza." So thank YOU.

What the actual fuck is happening here?

I'm making the awwwwww face.

It really does feel that way. But this moves Tyrion's story forward, AND gets us into Dorne. There is a reason for it, even if the killing itself was terrible.

I was out of town, so the husband and I watched GoT The Mountain and the Viper episode last night. There was some near-Red-Wedding-level of pissed-offedness in my house. I knew it was coming, but my husband didn't. He happened to be wearing a GoT tshirt and he actually went upstairs and changed after the episode.

Christ, what has this world come to when Scott Disick is the Greek fucking chorus?

but most of the clothes are terrible.

SO EXCITED. Going tomorrow night.

io9 walk of shame? The shows we don't want to admit we watch but we love?

I would really like to think he's saving her up to be really awful again so her death is worth it times a million. Here's hoping...

Ha, no worries! I totally understood what you were saying.

I don't think for a minute she had learned anything from her shaming. She will do something horrible because she *is* horrible. The prophecy will be fulfilled.

clever clever...I think you are onto something.

Or Arya does it!