
Sentient Dryer Revolt: Tickets On Socks!

Nope, he didn't intend to kill them. At least not directly. Like the recap I read, he gave them a sporting chance just like he did with Buddy the dog. Now Fitz will actually hate Ward now, when they get out of this. I don't think the show kills either of them. They're too good together to get rid of one.

I do agree about Ward. They really set him up as being bullied by the Ultimate Bully, which is the only way he could possibly be redeemed and have it work. I agree it would be a cop out....but I would be really sad to see him go at this point too. I are conflicted.


I felt like her actions in the last episode don't really back up the Simmons-is-Hydra theory. I thought she would have defected once she and Fitz were caught by Ward and taken aboard the bus.

Of all the crazypants dresses happening here (plus NPH I JUST CAN'T), this is the one that made me stop and wonder what in the hell she thought when she put on this thing. Was she really like, WOW, I look amazeballs. This is the dress for the Met. This is the one!!!1!


WOOOOO! That is amazing. Enjoy!

SO WEIRD. I felt dirty for liking him.

My friend is. I don't get it. We're going to see Of Mice and Men next month...I'm more excited for Chris O'Dowd.

"You're gonna wish I beat you."

But it was still funny.

If only it were so simple. I suppose the unwashed masses in YOUR country are all informed of these "issues" and put their wallets away. I'm willing to say we're crap in America on plenty of things, but please find me a country full of non-lemmings before you say something like this.

Agreed. If they had stuck with the procedural thread, it would done better, or at least get further into mythology. Regardless of eps being aired out of order, they dropped the ball on keeping us interested in mythology.

Oh, you are absolutely right. I know nothing about Godzilla and friends. I just thought the twins evidence was fairly compelling. Red herring-ed, I suppose! Regardless, I'll be in theater for this trying to curl up in the fetal position.

Wasn't there a long discussion about the Mothra twins, who you can see pretty clearly in the Vegas (?) wreckage? Which I thought would have meant...Mothra.

Is this a joke? I'm having a day where I would be happy to snark at the gorgeous model trying to sing. Instead I wasted two minutes listening to a perfectly fine voice. I'm all for snark, but good fucking god.

Apparently I need to reread. It's been a few years (I read this book on my honeymoon. The horror of the Red Wedding on. My. Honeymoon.). And I agree about laying blame on Sansa - I thought the Tyrells were being awfully nice to her which automatically triggers suspicion.

But the Queen of Thorns didn't give Sansa the hairnet/necklace. It was Dontos. Right? What am I missing?