
Really, though: who among us hasn't done that?

The Venn Diagram of "People Who Like Taquerias" and "People Who Like Chipotle" is two circles an inch apart. Broad generalization, but your Burrito Bowl crowd isn't exactly searching out lengua and cabeza at a carniceria in a strip mall.

Someone flipped out a couple years ago when I told them I had never eaten at Chipotle. I said, "Well, I mean, there's too many authentic places that are much cheaper and taste amazing." And they just stared at me like I was speaking Martian. Now, unfortunately, I live 25 minutes away from real Mexican food, and I will

You know, every year I draw caricatures for a fundraiser, and my booth is the only one where they get to pay whatever they want (which is in tickets that they buy at the entrance). By and large, they pay more than I would have guessed to charge.

I think this is awesome. I would definitely pay a bit extra to cover for those who can barely pay anything.

"Subway: Biohazard Fresh!"

That's what I get for getting drunk with power.

If you really want to mess with people tell them about how the carnitas and barbacoa come in plastic bags at Chipotle.

I understand your surprise that the cops did their jobs in a sexual assault case but maybe the conversation went something like this....

wait, soup comes from NOT plastic bags?

I would love Jezebel to do an informal poll asking their readers how many of them were sexually harassed like that at their first job. I tried to handle it myself (but I was 15!) and that didn't work. Finally broke down and told my supervisor when people started noting my reduced work performance (I was dragging my

Is wacktivists a word yet? It sounds like the kind of word Rush Limbaugh would make up but I'm gonna start using it anyway.

Oh man, that stuffing coming out of its butt looks so tasty. I want that ass-stuffing (first time that's been said outside of a porno).

I just made this tasty little guy for dinner! So good.

I've been wondering what would happen to farm animals if we stopped eating them. I could see cows dying out but I worry chickens will remember they used to be dinosaurs. We would be so screwed.

are there serious issues with massive farming?

My neighbor had a rooster I named Velociraptor. He'd escape and go after people, like, literally chasing the mail lady. At one point I tried to call animal control, who kindly informed me that they don't handle livestock while I was going "this livestock is going to get hit by a car!" and they told me to call zoning.