
I’m so sorry for the barista’s comments and the stupid online comments on the moms group. Boy - all those folks were awful and you were so undeserving of that! I’m just writing to say that I see you and your moment of grace and kindness touched me.

I want to save this comment and reread it after every date. Thank you!

I'm black. But whatever.

I think Zoe should maybe never open her mouth on this subject again. It’s like she’s got a shovel and she wants to keep digging deeper and deeper...

I’m sorry you’re going through this. Sometimes people are just disappointing esp when it comes to being honest. Who knows - maybe he thought he was sparing you pain by not telling you ....?

Thank you. So well put. I'm going through something similar and I wish I could have your simple, wise insight with me everywhere. Ugh!

I’m so happy your daughter is getting better.

I think... I think I get what you did there... ;-)

So... let me get this straight. She knew they had already done this type of doll -example above.... and yet.... she “presented” them with this marvelous idea as if it was a new concept with her as the model. So... to be clear... her only issue is that Zendaya got a doll and she didn’t.

I am cackling... because some of my friends are the same way. They make less than me yet spend SOOOOoooo much more money than I do on the most frivolous nonsense. And they feel like they have to... because apparently people judge you on how much your water bottle costs. And your whole foods groceries? And how often

I think you mean... ‘non’violent prisoners....? I hope... :-/

I’m sorry you had this experience. I also deal with similar shit in my position. People think I’m “staff” as if that means anything (what is that even about? Isn’t it common sense to treat everyone well... I DON’T GET IT) and they justify shitty behavior until they find out my position and try to save face. My company

I agree. She’s said some things in the past that made me feel comfortable.

I was 12 when my parents went through an ugly divorce. I was given a court guardian. I broke down in her office and begged her not to make me see my abusive (physical and emotional) father for a whole week for Christmas. And my guardian looked down at me impatiently and almost disgustedly and said “Honey. He’s your

BUT .... Jill Scott just came around. Did you read her comment on twitter? She acknowledges that she defended her mentor but now that there is ‘proof’ she can’t deny it any longer. Disappointing that all those women coming forward didn’t make her reconsider before but... I’ll take it! I’m praying for Phylicia or

And then you left your husband? Right?!?

Agreed. But also, the thing most Americans HATE most in the world is a black man talking about racism. I made the mistake of listening to conservatives talk about him a few days ago and their biggest complaint was that he talks too much about racism. Which is hilarious... because it’s clear that he’s very mindful

I really loved this interview. I had some emotions listening to it. His thoughts on parenting, Michelle’s Dad...etc.

That makes me sad too. I think ... many (sorry to be blunt) but many white people in my experience feel uncomfortable with anything that has to do with race. If it was a shooting in a white church, you’d definitely have a different experience all together.

Please tell us he’s apologized/explained himself?! It’s been a year? God... I am so sorry. I hope you’re doing better. Yikes!