+1 obscure (to the general public) running reference
+1 obscure (to the general public) running reference
This is such an under-rated joke.
Antoine Walker paved the way too. He’s working road crew on a stretch I-95.
In his defense, Philly would boo anything with two i’s.
See you in hell! +1
Is it wrong of me to say that I love you? +1
Fuck me, you’re a terrible person. Take a star for my admiration.
UCF deserves better than the AAC. Leaving the trophy at the stadium is some Power-5 level trolling.
Do you even rivalry, bro?
As an Indian American Malayali, even I learned a lot here. My parents come from Muslim families in what I think is a predominantly Muslim town so even whenever I’ve visited Kerala I’ve never interacted much with the Christian communities there.
When is Drew Magary back?
There better be a piggy poop-balls shirt.
You could make a killing during the world series.
When James Harrison threatened his child’s mother(don’t think they were married) over a disagreement about the kid’s baptism, this is what Dan Rooney had to say. Considering the shared history, I can’t say Mara’s comments surprised me:
And their spouses.
CTE clearly affects kickers too.
You better get unconfused before he gets mad.
Liberal academic elites, with their PhDs and whatnot. Just Gauling.
Least prestigious job on a porn set.
I was gonna go with, “Geaux directly to jail. Do not pass ‘Geaux’ and do not collect $200,” but I think yours is better.