
What a Bulgar display.

The same tactic will be used during the Summer Olympics in order to give opponents MRSA.

Hey, better your kid is learning that from you, and not the bullies on the playground, right?

The trick is to score with him and then start chanting, “HOORAY FOR EL SHAAWARY!”

This sort of renaissance is going to happen to Januzaj as soon as United give up on him and I’m going to wail and gnash my teeth.

Your son is definitely alright by me.

I bet he plays with Barca. Good for you!

A soccer playing Pharaoh back from the dead, Simpsons already did it:

Filed To: No Shit.

No Pain, No Higuain

He just needs a Napoli.

Honestly, either has 95% of the commenters on Kotaku.

Maryland...Massachusetts...they’re both part of the eastern liberal mentality anyway, what difference does it make? We’ll put a wall up around both and Canada will pay for it all!

Looks like he’s still mad about his family marooning him on Jakku.

Shea’s motto works then - Check yourself, before you Brek yourself.

You can tell you’ve got yourself out of position when Jozy scores on you.

Jozy’s most clinical finish in years.

Meanwhile Landon Donovan tweeted that it was somehow all Jurgen Klinsman’s fault.

Quite possibly the only region where lack of sole is seen in a positive light, which is why Cristiano Ronaldo is so highly regarded.

The real offence here is that they called them “shoes” and not “boots.”