Are we still doing “Phrasing!”?
Are we still doing “Phrasing!”?
There are also movie posters of various Doomfist incarnations on Overwatch’s Hollywood level
I don’t think it’s like that. She started on TV and has the HBO miniseries premiering soon.
I use my WiiU’s browser to watch League of Legends LCS streams. Sometimes I want to watch the stream on TV (and my TV isn’t a smart TV with a built-in Youtube app), and sometimes I want to watch it at my desk when my monitor’s otherwise occupied, so I use the WiiU tablet controller as a second screen.
Hot take! Surely there is no content in this 100+ hour game.
So you have missed out on good shows and need to catch up. Netflix and Hulu can help.
Ughhhhh. Shows with laugh tracks.
Hey cosplayers, more Cowboy Bebop cosplay, please.
No, it wasn’t like Spencer was a moderate conservative that got labeled a Nazi by the liberal media. He worked for, and is proud of that label.
It’s true. We definitely haven’t had enough discussion about the positive merits of ethnic cleansing. This is a side that should be debated more robustly and hasn’t really had a fair chance to flesh itself out. Quickly, fellow 14 year old Libertarians! To Reddit!
Ain’t political. Can’t be. Ethnically cleansing is not a political stance. Any kind of support of it, is not political.
genocide is bad = radical liberalism? lol
Of course there’s a difference between refusing to provide a platform for awful, inhuman, repellent ideologies and resorting to violence in the face of expression of the same--but there’s also a difference between advocating restraint and engaging in useless hand-wringing over actions ranged against an ideology that…
Right, ‘cus nazis deserve the benefit of the doubt...
You should apply to Kotaku so they can have your pro-Nazi alternative facts represented.
So no “Office”, “Parks & Rec” and “The IT Crowd”? Three of the very best comedies of the last decade, all on Netflix, go go go go go go go
I wonder how many folks will take a swing at this and miss the implicit message; my guess is that the number will be fairly low, given that the initial audience is likely to be comprised primarily of folks who were already on board with the message the parody is trying to send—but still.
As for the existential…
So he’s more well-known, and? I’ve seen this argument that the incident will somehow cause a growth in white supremacist groups, but the hypothetical person who becomes a neo-Nazi because Richard Spencer got punched in the face did not take much pushing.
10x more well known as the Nazi who got punched by a random hero.
Man, it almost looks like you pulled that number out of your ass