
It kinda sucks that I won’t be alive when humans are capable of FTL space travel, and encounter an alien species.

(in reality the most likely case is that an employee nicked the disc and re-wrapped the thing somewhere down the line)

It sounds like she opened it from a shrinkwrapped box though from the article.

Presumably, in this case, because it’s an interactive series of challenges with win/loss conditions?

You realize the only reason people enjoy that movie is because its so bad its enjoyable, right? I’ve yet to run into the first person who thought the RE movies were seriously good. All of the people i know who enjoy them enjoy them because they’re terrible.

I’m sorry you feel that way, because I’m getting four interesting PS4 games with good reputations and solid metacritic scores.

Now playing

I loved this game’s campaign. My favorite FPS campaign of the year, and possibly my favorite since Reach. A lot of FPS games could learn from that opening level and how the tutorial was seemlessly integrated into the early combat. And then there’s the marine tossing the exposition-y monitor to the side mid-sentence,

I personally actually don’t mind sitting through long cutscenes, as I enjoy MGS4 for example. Doom ofcourse did what it did right and let’s player into the action pretty fast. That is a good approach and I enjoy it as well. Either way is good for me! :)

She has become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

Oh fuck me, my heart just fucking dropped. I can’t fucking believe this. God fucking damn it.

Fuck this year. I’d have more easily accepted it if it was initially as feared but the headlines that she was “stable” and possibly recovering makes this worse.

FUCK YOU 2016 .... !!!!!! Sad, sad year. For everythings. War, politics, famous people, personnal matters, FUCK !

I see, it’s much nicer when the gay people are hidden away, so you can pretend that they don’t exist, versus having some backstory for a character that doesn’t affect the gameplay at all - I mean at ALL, Tracer’s abilities haven’t changed since this came out in a comic - but you’re still upset about it.

And now it’s time for the comments to be swarming with bigots saying how Tracer being gay is somehow “forced”. I mean, in what way is having her celebrating a holiday all bout coming together with your loved ones with her girlfriend “forced”?

Perhaps it is a PR stunt, it doesn’t mean that it’s not a step forward, too. Why they did this doesn’t really change Tracer now being a positive homosexual role model. They could do a lot of things to bring in more money, but this is one of the particular options that does some good at the same time.

Aaaaaand I need to read the whole post. Lol

“but should everyone make a big deal out of it?”

I took a run through the MMO Champion forums this morning and picked a fight with someone saying Tracer was not a “credible lesbian.”