
Witness,this generations Beetles .

I just can't believe how much Atlanta can consistently blow me away .

Season 2 was horrible but this one is shaping up to be a lot better . Especially for Andre fans i really think this is gonna be his season and since his actor is so good we're in for a treat .

Yea you're projecting .

Please think deeper, the point of the trans-racial character was not to make fun of trans people it was to point out the hypocrisy of marginalized people who marginalize other people especially when they're as ridiculous as Harrison .

Pleeeaaaaaasssse explain to me how you got that from what i stated.

I feel like it's just the cool thing to hate on Empire now. Yea it's not as entertaining as it use to be but most people don't even give it a shot or credit when it does something good.There's a lot of awful shows on television and this isn't one of them .

I don't think you're overly sensitive or pc but i do think you and people with your mentality are completely and utterly deranged.

As an African-American man i agree . That line was annoying because it seems like nobody wants acknowledge the fact that this man making more then women thing isn't across the board and that white women make more money then everybody except white men. The idea that a broke ass black woman would scold her even more so

Shabazz -Black Up

He's going back to his boys to report that he has found the location of the man with paper .

He's not black though .At least thats what he said .

Jax is the only black character on the show . How would getting rid of him add diversity ?

That would make sense especially if she got one over on them . Yellow seems pretty pissed about the Earth .

If Amethyst can shrink down to a size suitable enough to enter Peridots brain then i guess its more then reasonable that they could become as large as Diamonds . But then again what would be the point of Fusion then ? Regardless i think those earlier rose hieroglyphs are enough proof .

But Peridot isn't like that she would have told him . Then again she seems to be pretty young herself so maybe she wasn't around during that time . But wouldn't Jasper or Lapis know ?and they'd tell Steven Idk she probably is pink diamond . We're defiantly gonna need allot of exposition.

They also established that size shifting wasn't good for you in that very same episode .

Yea i figured it's just think i think its funny to refer to Peridot as Period even if it's accidental lmaoo .

Sorry you had to see that lol

Totally but I'm cool with it . Well i think i am . A moment with her and Greg would defiantly provide some humor .