
Totally i mean I'm not mad about it and that makes sense in a way .Just a missed opportunity i guess .

Period ? lmaoooo i can't .

The "human being" team was present the whole last episode and i don't think they even glanced at her .

They haven't even introduced her too other humans yet .

OH MY GWAD I DIDN'T NOTICE THAT !? Thanks for pointing that out !

Well we did see a frog . Frogs deserve protection ! lol

No it's cool i mean after this episode it's pretty clear where everything is going lol.

I totally get that lol

You know what ? That makes allot of sense lol

Lmaooo thank you , you're my hero .

I needed a Trypophobia warning for this episode . Those images of gem colonized earth made my skin crawl .

Okay that makes sense .

Haven't we seen White diamond multiple times tho ? Pretty sure theirs a straight up statue of her in sworn to the sword .

wow now I'm upset lol . I didn't wanna know the episode titles either lol.

Im not sure either . I could have sworn Pearl specifically stated that gems were on the earth prior to humans in that awful Ronaldo episode lol. And Ruby and Sapphire didn't run into any of them but idk how humanity evolved in there universe might be really different then in the real world .

Yea they confirmed two of them but like we've seen things that indicate the other twos existence . I mean even in this very episode .

Really ? wow I didn't notice that .

Yea i know what you mean . This bomb thing is getting out of hand .

Well wasn't the rebellion protecting the earth before humans even existed ? I think pearl said that once which was further confirmed in the "The answer" I imagine there earth's history is much different because of there involvement in various events .

Hmmm that is interesting but not very original apparently . But it would explain why humans don't seem to interfer with gem business . Like their unattended giant pillar thing on the moon .