
Or, I think there are more valuable uses of my skills that don’t involve the military.

So I could... enlist in the army, put myself at risk of getting killed, injured or suffer from PTSD, willingly sign up to potentially commit the worst actions possible against another human (murder, torture, etc) at the command of some old guys in Washington, and occasionally play games in a desert?

Oh, Just Cause 4 is coming out.

Odd that this is the first I’m hearing of this, lol. I enjoyed Just Cause 2 but never finished it. I had a blast attaching those rocket booster things to cows which somehow weaponized them in Just Cause 3, but also never finished it.

I look forward to picking up JC4 and playing it for

Watched it again recently. Drag is the opposite of how I felt. It does not feel like a two and a half hour movie.

This one would also have been a good choice.

Insert Lebowski opinion line here

There’s almost nothing worse than cinemasins, and it shouldn’t be considers serious criticism at all.

Your assigning traits to beings that assuming it is homo habilis meet the barest definition of humanity. We have no idea what he drive or goals of these hominids were.

The article tells you.

How exactly do they date tools like this?  I understand carbon-dating, but that would just tell you how old the material is.  How are they able to date when a certain piece of stone was actually worked into a tool?

I literally used to work for Entertainment Weekly. 

I mean fair, but you are throwing around the word professional in a very strange way.

I mean, we’re going to have to agree to disagree if you think that io9 doesn’t have a better handle on sci-fi/fantasy and genre than EW, which is written for the widest possible audience.

I mean, I basically agree with you, but that’s not to say there isn’t something valid in what the anti-adapters have to say as pertains to artistic integrity and maintaining the relevance and artistic power of thge original. The very act of adaptation inextricably links the two iterations of the work, meaning people

Their teaser didn’t have any music, I can’t help but be worried because of this.

Also..taking a nothing position (like baby’s first nihilist) doesn’t make you smarter, dude.

I don’t think you understand what sex positivity is. It’s not, BOY LET’S MAKE WOMEN HOT AND NEKKID, it’s promoting a positive example of sex and what it means to people (whether they be heterosexual, homosexual, trans, whatever) that isn’t simply seen in a heteronormative light (women ain’t sexy simply for the sake so

well, I mean, yeah...

Let’s not pretend that the reason why Cammy wears a thong is because Capcom is presenting a sex-positive character.