That’s what the ethics committee will determine. Were they ever alone? Were there people around them at all times? Was there someone there to verify that he did/did not do that?
That’s what the ethics committee will determine. Were they ever alone? Were there people around them at all times? Was there someone there to verify that he did/did not do that?
Maybe he’s a Louis C.K. Maybe there’s a ton of credible evidence that will come out to say he is the kind of person who would do something like this. But there isn’t right now. All we have is what has been revealed. And what has been revealed is from one person who has an interpretation of events against another…
I’m hesitant to call it assault because 1. he never said that and 2. there is no evidence of that.
“Tweeden says she got the photo CD of behind-the-scenes snaps.” That’s from a NYPost article, and has been repeated in many outlets. It wasn’t her camera. The photo was taken as a joke. Looking back, it was a bad joke. Did it…
Oh, but it wasn’t her camera. So there you go.
The “photographic evidence” is a joke. The photo is a joke. His hands aren’t even touching her. There is no groping. To misunderstand all of this is to be as incapable of understanding humor as conservatives. That said, it was a stupid, bad (retrospect) joke. Still not groping.
The Franken story is ridiculous. He did the right thing by requesting the ethics committee. If it comes back with no evidence of wrongdoing, he’ll be exonerated. He’ll keep his job. Life will go on.
People are bad. People on the internet are even worse.
I understand your sarcasm and I appreciate it.
Also, after reading the original story, which I’m sure you did, it’s clear that this began as an extortion situation that turned into a police report. Nothing strange there, yea?
Or they know something you don’t! Let’s all Jump To Conclusions!™
To be fair, Sean is just reporting the facts and has no agenda or incentive to get as many people to read his posts as possible. He’s merely implying that Bryan Cranston is a rape apologist because he has suggested that people who have done horrible things can change, learn from their terrible mistakes and the…
AVClub is clickbait.
I read the “I regret nothing” as an “I’ve been able to grow as a person because of my mistakes, and I own them.”
How was it a mess? Explain to me in your expertise how the episode was a fail on many levels?
Rumors aren’t facts. The New York Times did a great journalistic piece that took CK down. Until that piece, there was no good reason to believe that CK did anything wrong. No one is eating their words.
I’m willing to wager that if you didn’t like episode 7 then you don’t really understand what Stranger Things is trying to do.
“This is journalism!” Jesus.
I’m back! Also, the “No one likes episode 7" is a narrative completely constructed by the AVClub. Congratulations!
Seriously. Fuck the av club. You’ve lost a reader.