Barsanti’s a clickbait troll
Barsanti’s a clickbait troll
If you’re not Jewish and you’re criticizing Larry David’s jokes about being Jewish, you should probably stop.
So this article is an attack on Netflix for not releasing viewing data? Okay. Well, let’s just assume that as long as Netflix remains a company(they make enough money to continue), their viewing numbers *don’t matter*. And this “article” is a hit piece on a show for no reason.
If you thought Room 237 was ABOUT explaining The Shining then you didn’t get it. Sam Barsanti, ugh.
KinjaPlace is a troll.
Not occasional. The AV Club is just Gawker now.
Uhhh what about threatening someone with broken glass. How vile is that?
Jesus. You’re defending Azealia Banks? Do you know Azealia Banks?
I’ve liked what McGowan has been doing up to this point. This reads like a power move to get her show made.
Who is Lombardo???
The AV Club is officially dead. Goodbye. ;(
This is why writers aren’t actors.
I liked AVclub when it wasn’t Jezebel.