The exclusives Microsoft have are fairly limited to Halo, Gears of War, Forza, and not much else. A lot of Xbox stuff is also on PC with a ton of stuff going multi platform for the sequels.
The exclusives Microsoft have are fairly limited to Halo, Gears of War, Forza, and not much else. A lot of Xbox stuff is also on PC with a ton of stuff going multi platform for the sequels.
That implies that only one game is released for the console, which is of course ludicrous. The fact is the vast majority of games these days are multi platform so those few that aren't become that much more important. Sony generally has the more compelling exclusives.
not really. he's talking about exclusives games. in between those he can always buy and play multiplatform games.
Game of the Generation. No doubt about it. Experiences like this is why I always go with Sony consoles over competition's 'fps box'.
You guys need to get your nomenclature right, it's embarassing. Those are sale through numbers not shipped numbers. That's when a unit is moved to a retailer THEN it is sold to an actual human being. The ONLY company of the three using shipped to retailers numbers as install base is Microsoft.
Which is basically an EyeToy.
I am a PS4 owner, not rich, and I would LOVE to have one of these based on the fact it is impressing in early demonstrations. I am really excited by the rifts potential but I am not much of a PC gamer these days so it isn't viable for me.
oculus has full body tracking? I thought thats the purpose of the PS Camera so it changes it from just sitting with rift
Success of the Oculous Rift will help boost sales of Project Morpheus too. Everyone's a winner.
By your own logic, the Rift is aimed at a subset of a subset of a subset as well. PC Owners > Rich PC Owners > People who want VR. I guess no one will develop for it, and no one will buy it as well?
lol you PC people are cute.
Definitely try to live on the topmost floor if you don't mind the inconvenience of moving things in/out. I thought living on the first floor of our apartment was a great idea, however we had the worst neighbors - a toddler who liked to run and stomp around and a mother who couldn't be bothered to tell her that it's…
In the US in Europe situation is way worse. I even heard June from some stores. The PS4 outsells the XB1 with a ratio of 4:1 over here..I guess that's why.
I agree about the PS3 being the must have atm though!
If you can get one you should buy it. Supply seems to be a problem for the next half year at least, seeing the PS4 outsells the XB1 with a ratio of 4:1 here in Europe.
No it does not. It's people commenting on graphics because this article is about the graphics and development of a game. While showing intermittent parts of gameplay to facilitate discussion on how you interact with the environment, bringing us back around to how the graphics are affecting game play. The Infamous…
Interestingly, I'm the opposite. I never play my XB1, and exclusively play PS4, not because there are so many games for it, but damn some of these games can eat up weeks and weeks (or months) of your life. Like AC4: Black Flag... still playing that damn game trying to collect everything, and it's still fun. Just…
I have to question your judgement on this, but since I don't know what multiplayer games you play I will have to take your word for it, everyone around me who is upgrading to next gen is going the PS4 way... whether they had a PS3 or a 360 before, it makes no difference.
God it looks awesome!
Sadly, PS4 are still out of stock where I live.