Honest Atheist

in america, it might be considered controversial because the media like to make things seem more than what they are. its why you hear about americans overreacting to small things all the time.

The disparity is permanent, my friend. That's thanks to the fact that PS4's GPU is over 50% more powerful than XBOX One's. Any gains in efficiency that are made on the lesser platform will be made on the more powerful platform, as well, and the disparity will remain. Both consoles effectively have the same CPU and

The PS3 and Xbox 360 had very different architectures. The PS3 had a cell processor, and the Xbox 360 was a modified PowerPC if I remember correctly. The PS4 and Xbox One are both x86 which is the same as PC, so there's no "learning how to utilize each system" as they are the same architecture. The PS4 is simply more

The X1 "may" be more durable. It "may" use higher quality plastics. But it is weaker. And as a gamer I don't want the non-gaming features and slower tech for more money.

lol, yes but Sony now also has the power of the Cloud and is launching before MS :P

Yeah, I agree with everything you said. The Xbone isn't harder to develop for because of its architecture, its hard to get cross platform parity because it has worse hardware. Originally the difference would not be as great since the PS4 would only have 4GB of RAM trading speed for capacity, at the last moment they

The PS3 had a newly developed processor architecture that was powerful but not ideal for gaming. And it had a split memory design.

Things will get better for the X1. With optimization they should be able to hit 1080p/60fps with the level of detail that it's in these launch games, but due to the GPU, in a few years the difference in shaders is really going to start to become noticeable. It kind of already is but as the ceiling is raised it will

Lots of buthurt PC elitists here.

"Comparing this with the PC versions is unfair and bla bla bla".

Then you got into any other article and see them contantly talking about how X games on their 2012 hardware looks better than on consoles from 2006 specially after adding all the graphics enchanting mods is "fair"

That statement only makes sense if you don't know all that much about the hardware being used in all those machines. The PS3 had more raw power than the XBox360, but it was a pain in the arse to make good usage of its power compared to the 360, where ppl got used very fast to get the maximum out of its hardware, while

Why? TotalBiscuit certainly wasn't ashamed to say he preffered the version that "ran on 60FPS on his PC over the Definitive Edition". You all weren't ashamed to say much the same thing when there were rumours that it would only ever run at 30FPS on consoles.

This isn't a comparison that Kotaku made. This is a

The ps3 also runs The Last Of Us waaaaay better than the PC.

The PS4 has 1152 shader cores vs Xbox One 768 shader cores. Right out of the gate, with no optimization, the PS4, all things being equal code-wise, will perform better, its just in the hardware. Then we have the PS4 with dramatically faster memory than the Xbox One, so it will get benefits here (until) the devs

i feel like xbox gamers are like religious people and playstation fans are like science people. no matter how much evidence there is on paper that playstation performs better, the stubborn xbox people come up with conspiracies about how gaming sites get bribed or how graphics and resolution dont matter... PS the new

Nope its much simpler than that. The GPUs on both machines are nearly identical but for a important difference - the PS4's GPU is 50% bigger. It also has some other really technical advantages but the fact that it has 50% more of the same silicon means there's a lot of extra space to do more stuff. At some point this

Sarcasm bro.

Moot point, because the PC doesn't have it.

Time to face reality, son.

Remember when the press was downplaying the PS4's hardware advantage? 60 fps and 30fps is a huge difference. At least the Xbox One is cheaper. :P

You hold onto that, you hold onto it tight and don't let it go.