Hate to sound like a broken record, but since we are still supporting Saudi bombing of food supplies and their blockade around Yemen as well as selling them chemical weapons, any concern we show about civilian casualties in Syria is hypocritical BS.
Hate to sound like a broken record, but since we are still supporting Saudi bombing of food supplies and their blockade around Yemen as well as selling them chemical weapons, any concern we show about civilian casualties in Syria is hypocritical BS.
Read about this over on Wonkette, and holy schamoly. More and more of that ding dang unreliable dossier keeps turning out to be true. I saw this interesting little tweet in the comment section as well:
Every single white woman that reads Jez knows at least one white woman/person that voted for trump. Some of y’all are even related to trump voters. Sit with that knowledge. And when the 53% stat is thrown at you, reach out to that trump voter you know and ask what’s good?
Obviously, it wasn’t single handed. There were many, many people like yourself anxious to help that effort along. Thanks, by the way. You guys are awesome.
Anyone else with Trumpers in the orbit of their personal lives noticing some kind of corner has been turned?
I have to interact with a reasonable number of them on a daily basis because of work; because about half-ish of the office is over-50 white people in the southeast, they feel pretty free to discuss their…
He was prime minister a decade ago, and president until last month when he was forced to resign. Now there are competing Fujimori relatives fighting for power.
This comment may be more prescient (in this context) than you know. The former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori was indicted for corruption and human rights abuses in 2000, upon which notification, he fled to his ancestral home of Japan (after assuring the Peruvian people, repeatedly, that he hadn’t even a Japanese…
I returned to work for a company where I’d been repeatedly sexually harassed by a top executive (I had my reasons for returning), and prior to my offer I had to apologize for calling out his actions and essentially convince them I wouldn’t be a problem.
What is this coveted status Tony Robbins and George Will seem to think accusers enjoy? These turds think Anita Hill or Rose McGowan or Andrea Constand are walking around with a #MeToo punch card where if you accuse nine high profile men of sexual misconduct, you get a free mani/pedi with the tenth accusation.
Remember that we just had Rep. Steve King go after Emma Gonzalez for essentially not being Latino enough for not speaking Spanish. Nevermind that he and his ilk would attack her for not being American enough if she spoke Spanish in public ever and have pushed for English only education and such.
True, true. I really wish we talked about media representation of asian people more. People have deeply, DEEPLY engrained stereotypes of asian people. I’m the opposite of the stereotype, I’m bad at math, I’m hippy dippy and I’m a recovering drug addict. Even in rehab people where like why are you here? It’s weird.…
This is the most accurate description of Kimmel and Hannity I’ve ever read.
It’s all so racist. I used to ask how the hell it was so popular. After the election I didn’t ask anymore.
My son is dying. Please forgive my misogyny. Forgive me double because I’m an expert Value Signal dude.
The rest of the clip wasn’t that much funnier either. Oh Donald Trump thought the Easter egg roll was a Chinese thing? A Stormy Daniels reference? Oh HAHAHA! Fucking hilarious! So unpredictable!
It’s so lazy and it’s amazing to me how accepted it still is. I was at the gym one time and happen to catch two broke girls and I was horrified. Not only do they have the exaggerated accent, but of course the asian man is sexless yet a horndog. Also, hungover the movie, I’m sure there are others I can’t think of right…
I’m sorry but when we live in a world where network tv can still have people with fake asian and Indian accents, people need to see the hypocrisy.
Kimmel and Hannity are both shitheads. Kimmel only turned into an advocate and feminist when he stood to profit from it, when it was politically fashionable to do so, and when he got a late night show. He shed his Man Show garbage persona as easily as he took it up for the same two reasons: laughs and greed.
He should not have made fun of Melania’s accent. Period. That is low, low hanging fruit and considerably beneath anyone touting themselves as a “comedian”. Oh, ha, ha. This person sounds different when they speak then I do! What’s next, making fun of Chinese people by saying “ching-chong” or something? I’m not about…