It’s called “under investigation” for a reason. They’re not going to publicly release bodycam footage of a shooting until everything is completed. Apply some common sense and deductive reasoning please.
It’s called “under investigation” for a reason. They’re not going to publicly release bodycam footage of a shooting until everything is completed. Apply some common sense and deductive reasoning please.
Honda’s service intervals are laughable for some things. No way am I going to run plugs for 100k miles or 10 years. They’re relatively cheap and easy to do, So for me it’s every 25k on the fun cars and 50k for my daily.
As a Loadmaster the first thing I brief when winching is to stand clear of the cables and I have a way to weigh them down in case of failure. Hurting a person gives me more anxiety than breaking the cargo or airplane.
You now have me wanting to go check my brake fluid... Damnit.
The quality in my 2021 Ridgeline is fantastic. My only complaint is that I got a loaded one (Black Edition) and it doesn’t have cooled seats up front. Every other option they offer, yes, the one my fat ass needs, no. :/
Which was a terrible decision.
Ahhh I sometimes forget ya’ll don’t have the most robust highway system outside of Philly/Pittsburgh. Don’t go to the DE or NJ shore... It’s already overcrowded lol.
Kinja’d. I tried to link my instagram photo’s of it. I regret selling it but I’m about to start an Integra project soooo!
I bought a base model two years ago and completely went through it. Kept it slow but made it beautiful again.
We paid $46 a month on our house in Delaware... I thought that was high until I started getting other quotes... Definitely not looking forward to moving elsewhere.
You’re in PA.... your entire northern border is a lake....
Yes, me, the person that wears my mask(despite hating it), got the shot(unwillingly, but knowing it will be mandatory for military soon), and gets tested regularly... I respond with the upmost sincerity, go fuck yourself as well.
I can’t like this twice but thank you. It changes everyday and who knows what to believe. Masks work, they don’t work. The vaccine works, it doesn’t work. I just can’t anymore.
Did you read my entire statement and my follow ups to people that didn’t insult me? Not trolling but fed up with everything that’s going on right now. Fed up with shitty politicians, fed up with conflicting information every day. Fed up with people who refuse to have a conversation about it.
And that vaccine actually worked... Politicians weren’t massively shitty people like they are today (just mildly shitty). If this vaccine was the end all be all it would be FDA approved and people still wouldn’t be dying and having horrible reactions and side affects. My sister in law is paralyzed because of it.
Completely agree that it sucks. Wife and I had it twice (once that we got tested for since the first time was early on) and I don’t want it again. The politicians using it as a scare tactic and poker chip is deplorable and both sides are doing it on a daily basis. They all suck and it’s sad that those where our…
Don’t watch any news at all, I get everything from Facebook. In all seriousness this Pandemic is being politicized and I’m not okay with it. I want choice. Legislating peoples freedoms away under the guise of public safety isn’t something I’m okay with.
You can’t pick and choose where it applies though. This is a freedom issue, my freedoms shouldn’t be tied to an experimental shot that may or may not be affective at keeping me from catching something and dying from it. It’s a slippery slope, you mandate this one and it sets a precedence that I’m not sure I’m…
Clearly, this is the internet in 2021, the rules are made up and the points don’t matter. I put a ridiculous number to make a point because I didn’t feel like looking up the real (also very low) number.
They just released a report that over 1400 people have died from it who where fully vaccinated... I also shouldn’t be able to catch something if I’m vaccinated... If it’s just going to lessen the symptoms and doesn’t prevent spread or death they need to stop calling it a vaccine.