
For a split second it sounded like Rick was about to say “Go Team Venture”, when he said “Go Team Go-Tron”.

Les Skywalkers Dangeroux


Unlike many of the other bands mentioned in this article/these comments, Cannibal Corpse are actually still putting out really good music so being named after them wouldn’t be so bad.

It’s called ‘I Wanna Rock Your Body’, and then in parentheses, ‘(Until the Break of Dawn)

Metallica is going to do really well in school, but will have peaked by then and spend the rest of his life being a bloated mess. Slayer will be really edgy for attention, but will grow up to realise the way to be REALLY evil is to vote conservative. Pantera will grow up to be a huge racist.

Henry Winkler? The guy from that one episode of Law and Order: SVU??

They should have got Patrick Warburton. The character looks like Brock Samson anyway.

I was hoping that with Rick being arrested last episode there was gonna be some continuation of the Mr Nimbus thing.

And at least the later seasons of Aqua Teen didn’t have to worry about continuity/’resetting’ the status quo at the end of each episode, AND the episodes were only 11 minutes so they didn’t have time to properly wear out their welcome.

Rick and Morty Colon Movie Film for Theaters

I always, ALWAYS read Brock’s name in Molotov Cocktease’s voice.

Yes, and I find it maddening how niche this opinion apparently is!

(She Was Only) Thirteen

I’m just gonna copy and paste what I said on Facebook.

I cried when The Venture Bros. got cancelled (yeah, I know... lame) so this has literally been the best news I’ve had all 2021.

I don’t have much to say other than I really enjoyed the first movie and look forward to the next one.

Knuck Fuckles

Er, Joel Edgerton was in Episodes II and III as Owen Lars so I would assume he’ll be reprising the role in addition to Ewan and Hayden reprising theirs.

I hated all of season 5 anyway, but I completely agree about the ‘On the next’ right at the end ruining everything because it ruined one character so badly that the entire show is now tainted.