
This brings up a very tricky aspect that I don’t think really has been discussed much if at all before now: when you finally get momentum and notice to a given movement, particularly one that is attempting to finally equalize or re-shift the power dynamic of recognition and subsequent consequences for previously

Then I’ll amend my endorsement with the added “Your mileage may vary.”

I’m honestly not being crass or trying to make any jokes here, but on a very superficial level...how bad is it when the mass shootings have gotten so numerous they’ve moved from seemingly ‘obvious’ bigot and nutjob targets like gay nightclubs and public sport events into sports bars running Madden video game

Gee, I wonder if any of those 3,600+ criticisms couldn’t be more of the GOPutin machinery that is truly bothered by her growing grassroots support and is trying to give ammunition to the ‘cause’ by making it look like even her erstwhile ‘supporters’ don’t like her? 

McCain did a lot of questionable or at least tiresomely party-line stuff, yes. He was also one of the few Republican-side politicians who demonstrated at least some willingness to concede to changes of the times, such as his original opposition to LGBQT members of active military service which later turned into his

Keep going, I’ve almost achieved orgasm.

What I love is that I first saw this post with the header “Pending Approval.”

I approve. lol.

True, some locations are doing that receipt-check a la Sam’s Club/Costco when you wait with your cart to get looked over, but late at night nobody’s doing that. Too tired or understaffed to bother.

The biggest trend I notice when I see friends who consistently have phones with cracked screens is that they don’t properly invest in protecting the damned things in the first place. I mean, they go and get a shiny new bright iPhone X, and then buy some fifteen dollar rhinestone-bedazzled piece of polymer crap from

I have been able to regularly steal things from major big-box stores all the time. Part of the trick is not being ridiculous about it—I don’t try to walk out with a TV or a whole bedroom suite.

“Nimrod Reitman.”

He must’ve been the one who told Ivan that “Junior” was a good idea.

Thanks. Always appreciate a chance to learn a little more than I knew before.

WoW in the beginning: “Look! Quests! Raids! Battlegrounds! Special rewards! Guilds! Maps! Unlocked abilities!”

WoW in the middle years: “Look! Quests! Raids! Battlegrounds! Special rewards! Guilds! New Maps! Pandas! We nerfed the Druids and ruined Elves!”

WoW Now: “Fuck you, give us your money. Here’s some new

“People do not “emerge” as presidential candidates. They become presidential candidates by riding a power base. In a healthy democracy, that base should be a broad coalition of concerned citizens. In America, that base is more often a mix of corporate interests and wealthy donors. It’s now abundantly clear that media

“glyphosate levels were above the organization’s health benchmark of 160 parts per billion.

I always feel warm and fuzzy when I think about the ‘minimal’ amount that’s ‘acceptable’ by our FDA folks. Good ole’ FDA.

Reminds me of that old Richard Jeni gag:

“Then I found out that the FDA has an acceptable amount of RAT

Hey, Donnie, she didn’t sing at YOUR inauguration, y’know...in fact, just look at the photos and you’ll see that not nearly enough people showed up if it’d been an Aretha F--- oh christ on a unicycle, never mind.

My sincerest and deepest empathy for what you’re going through. I had an actual ER nurse once look at my charts, get a glance at an older MRI of my abdomen, and she remarked out of one side of her mouth that maybe sometime, if I have a good friend or my wife has a steady hand, and I could deal with a few stitches,

Cool, I stand corrected. I guess I assumed it was banned due to the obvious historical crisis and outcry from its original series run. But I *know* quaaludes are out the door, or am I wrong on that one? I thought it wasn’t banned outright by legislative act, but rather the manufacturer who bought US compounding rights

Also: beware if you work at ANY company, manufacturing or service or white collar, whatever, that has international facilities and initiates ‘worker exchange’ programs. My father learned the hard way after nearly 30 years for a major manufacturing company that all those funny, laidback, heavy-Gaelic-accented,

Yeah, Bezos can stop blathering about his ‘amazing work culture’ at Amazon now, when literally U.S. veterans are having PTSD breakdowns not about their time in service but their time working for Amazon fulfillment (detainment) centers (camps).

Between the Waltons and Bezos, I’m pretty sure by 2025 every single person