
Zero turnovers, poise in the pocket under pressure, and multiple drops by his receivers. The numbers don’t tell the whole story. If you watched the game, you saw a dude who definitely looked better than someone playing in their second pro game should look.

A Jay inoculated against himself can not stand.

This is way more depressing than it has any right to be.

It’s clear from his track record that this dude is a terrible bomber. Really sub par terrorist.

Yeah, that isn’t going to happen. The press isn’t going to just walk away and not cover Trump. Covering Trump generates clicks. Period.

Time to go play some Cities: Skylines.

They didn’t include a video, so I am free to assume he wound up and threw a 90 MPH heater straight into the stands.

Title not nearly sensationalist enough.

“Is Hillary Clinton’s entire campaign actually the Democrats pulling a Weekend at Bernie’s?”

But why should anyone care? I genuinely don’t see this group of people clamoring for modding options for console games. Anyone I see discussing this treats it as you do; as an abstract concept that deserves defense.

Is there really a market for console modding? Honestly, before this article, I was under the assumption that modding for console games didn’t exist as a concept.

Eh, for games I give a shit about modding in, I buy for the PC. For games I don’t give a shit about modding in, I’ll buy for the PS4.

“Aleppo? ALEPPO!? You aren’t looking at the big picture!”

Who is ahead of the prospect on the depth shouldn’t matter if the mindset is bench development > field development. If you honestly believe the guy needs some time on the bench before becoming the starter, who actually gets trotted out there on game day is secondary.

The Bills one is sooooo lazy.

He certainly kerfuffled that ball out in a hurry. That last one was real shladomkey. His bat must be hopped up on a grissletwisties this last month!

Wanna go out back and throw around the ol’ alpaca skin?

CGI America!

Why have my posts stopped showing up the last week? Not in the greys. But literally not showing up at all.

Have you met white people? Simply the worst.