
The Chargers are pulling this crap over offset language? This is the dumbest hill to die on.

Also known as TheBestBallparkIveSeenSinceYaz Field.

Yeah, but now when I call it GarField it makes me think of Gar Forman. And I HATE thinking about Gar Forman.

Longwings are so damn ugly.

While I would have preferred they suffer a half century of irrelevance, we don’t always get what we want in life.

What celebrity sex tapes would be needed to successfully shut down Jezebel and Kotaku?

Knowing Lochte, he will turn to Curt Schilling for advice on this matter.

Translation: “God DAMMIT mom!”

Like the old saying goes, “Never attribute to Brazilian corruption that which is adequately explained by Ryan Lochte’s stupidity.”

“So they got a re-run all alone—the first of its kind in Olympic history.”

My question is why the hell is the display accuracy on their graphics to the hundredths when their measurements are to the thousandths? That seems...odd.

But at least this time it is the Chinese who are pissed.

It took a couple of loops to catch it, but it bounces off his right shin.

None of us are the same person we were yesterday. We all learned a valuable lesson today. Never underestimate how dumb Ryan Lochte is.

I look forward to SB Nation’s hard hitting piece “Who is Darren Sharper?”

What are the actual rules related to lane interference? In that photo the Brazilian runner is blatantly way the hell over the line. Is any contact in that situation some kind of foul? Or is it a judgment call on whether the contact meets some arbitrary threshold of interference?

This article raises a question, tip toes around it, and never answers it. What was the point of this?

I feel comfortable in saying that the Bears team that made the Super Bowl in ‘06 did not in fact have a quarterback.

Domestic violence is not funny.

And rowed through poop.