Because their Irish.
Because their Irish.
These two brothers will be a good test case to see if alcohol is a viable cure for dysentery.
After Lebron’s Nike deal, why did you write an article about pocket change?
Fuuuuck, the Double Arrogant Bastard Ale is one of my favorite beers. So damn good.
Can we move past the bitching about IPAs to the bitching about people bitching about IPAs phase yet?
“sweating out some of the toxins”
“My god is the god that ices fools who step up but don’t put up.”
Maybe they put sunglasses on the cameras?
*Looks up a picture of Hitler*
I sometime wonder how adult me would handle a beer bong...
It’s good to get the black eye of the event out of the way early! The rest of Rio 2016 should be smooth sailing from here!
I can’t really blame them. They probably expected the gate to have been stolen by the morning.
Its as if the Onion is just getting lazy.
I’m shocked he signed even a one year extension. If you had told me a year ago that one of Durant/Westbrook was going to sign a one year extension this off season, I would have bet anything on it being Durant.
My first reaction was “why did someone steal and redraw this comic!”
Whoso Pulleth Out This Six Foot Hoagie of this Stone and Anvil, is Rightwise Coach of all Niners
Can’t blame em. Of all these so far, the Niners recent failures are so massively self inflected its shocking.
Out of curiosity, how many strips long is it? I tried reading it years ago on a recommendation, got two strips in, and stopped. Does it take 10 strips to get to an actual joke/payoff? 20?