Uuuuggghhhh...I got three panels in and had to quit. Ugly art. Ugly typeface. Overly verbose. Its as if someone commissioned a lab to design a comic to be as awful as possible.
Uuuuggghhhh...I got three panels in and had to quit. Ugly art. Ugly typeface. Overly verbose. Its as if someone commissioned a lab to design a comic to be as awful as possible.
How can I trust you when my previous sentence has already established that you suck?
Achewood sucks and everyone who likes it sucks.
So someone made him eat that tie?
Potty training causes autism.
Do you believe sarcasm translates well in the writing medium?
What movie/TV is the most embarrassing to admit you actually enjoy?
Calvin and Hobbes or The Far Side?
Thank you. I was annoyed when I saw it wasn’t in the body of the post, but didn’t have to get far into the comments to see this fixed.
That is a really good quote. Ichiro owns bones.
Caliendo is awful, unfunny garbage.
This take is not a certified Subway Fresh Take.
When a Native American advocacy group sees this, boy will their faces be red!
So much foam....
But is it the most electrifying?
No Fun Dip? No sale.
They need to change that name. Malicious Mischief sounds downright adorable.
Somehow I doubt this is going to stop Mike Golic from going on and on about how teaching proper tackling techniques at the youth level reduces concussions.
Stup up your game with a mother fucking safari vest! Pockets everywhere!