
Edit: Well my response makes no damn sense if you edit your posts like some kind of a flip-flopper.

My gut tells me this tool was burning a Lebron jersey 6 years ago.

And in my expert view, the winner of that series will most assuredly be the team that wins the most games.

The last time my mom said that to me it got a lion at the zoo shot.

Cowherd’s response: “Wow. Good take. Good take.”


If your moralistic views on animal harm extend that far, good luck ever finding anything to eat.

Well, no, not really. If you are vegetarian for moral reasons but still love the flavor and texture of beef hamburger, then it makes perfect sense.

Yeah, I’m calling bullshit. There has to be some video editing involved here.

There are network executives filling entire 5 gallon buckets with sweat today.

This was a fascinating piece. Thank you for sharing. That entire trip sounds utterly, incomprehensibly exhausting.

Does it count if you don’t know about? Suppose the person who wrote this letter did dispose of their cable boxes. They would not even know the free cable was being pumped in. I can’t imagine they would be liable in that scenario.

I’m forwarding this to my sister. I’m sure it will make her feel much better about her inability to get a job after 5 years at home with her kids.

Guys like AJ should always be welcome. Every sports needs a few good heels.


Yeah, but who do I write my angry, threat filled letters to?

Just to the right of the frame “Bill was here!” is spray painted in giant letters.

The Binghampton Ham Bingers.

Kawakami lost a bet, was taking to the cleaners on it, and is now trying to spin it into an anti-York sentiment? I think Jed York is worthless tool, but Kawakami comes off like a giant baby here.

That is some dark pee. Might I suggest these professional athletes at the top of their respective sports need to hydrate better. Someone should probably tell them that.